Lucas 35351 switch - info needed

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Jan 30, 2020
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My new 35351 from Wassell has no numbers around the periphery like my original 39784, can anyone shed any light on which terminals to use?
Are you absolutely sure there are no numbers?

This 'Lucas' one has numbers:

Lucas 35351 switch - info needed
Yep, absolutely, nothing at all, the surfaces are all perfectly smooth. However- your picture allows me to consider the layout, mine has the same configuration of terminals, and so I’ll try that and see what happens. Many thanks.
Well that took me no time at all. Quickly out into the garage and wired it up using your layout and it all works. Sort of. The detent between ignition on and ignition plus lights is very tiny, barely noticeable. And I can’t remove the key when it’s on ‘parking’ mode.

Time to take the original to bits and see if it can be improved
Well that took me no time at all. Quickly out into the garage and wired it up using your layout and it all works. Sort of. The detent between ignition on and ignition plus lights is very tiny, barely noticeable. And I can’t remove the key when it’s on ‘parking’ mode.

The 35351 isn't exactly the same switch internally as the original Lucas.

What should be 'Parking lights' is AUX and '4' should be headlamp, not Parking lights, etc.
Lucas 35351 switch - info needed
Thanks for the above, I have previously seen the nocnsw switch mod, but for now I decided to quickly open my old one. The pictures tell it all, it came apart very easily, no headaches. The contacts clearly show plenty of copper mildew that I cleaned off and brightened up using 2000 grit wetted with electrical cleaner. Reassembly was also a breeze. I checked it over and then reinstalled it in the bike. It works.

the 35351 switch is for late model Triumph T140 Norton Commando uses 30552 switch which lab correctly states has different positions

packaging also clearly shows date of manufacture 26/05 so it will be a NOS LAP counterfeit
the 35351 switch is for late model Triumph T140 Norton Commando uses 30552 switch which lab correctly states has different positions

The '72-'74 (four terminal) switch was 39784. The 850 Mk.3 switch was 30552, however, the different numbers I believe was only due to the difference in bezel 'nut'.

According to the late T140 parts books, the switch was Lucas part 54531899 which I think is more likely to be 30552 and not 35351.
A parking lights position where the key cannot be removed as Landspeedracer said, means 35351 is unlikely to have been the correct original switch.

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