Lotta Torque about Norton

Jan 16, 2015
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My Norton Commando 961 can lift front wheel with throttle only. I saw this on a Norton video so I tried it. Since new exhaust and remap this is for real... With a throttle snap at about 3500 rpm it goes skyward. On the video the guy snaps it up and can ride it across the parking lot.

Is this in first gear?
I can believe it.
With a remap the motor has very good torque in 3500-5000 RPM range.

Cool. :lol:
Yes first gear . Its really great . I don't have the courage or the skill yet to keep the throttle on and balance it .
Very nice wheelies.

But really, in the video commentary “ the brand floundered in the US for the better part of 15 years”

Dreer started acquiring the rights to the Norton name around 1999. Norton Motorsports US went out of business in 2006. That’s 7 years. In those 7 years Dreer just floundered about, and designed, built, developed the 961 which, Garner bought, and finally brought to market.

A bit more accuracy in reporting please.
So I can see this wheelie thing being very addictive. It took me 3 tries doing the gas at 3,500 rpm and I got the front wheel off the ground. I found I had to snap it hard and pull back. I'm not sure how far I came up but it def. came up a good amount. I told myself before I tried the first time, once I do it successfully, then no more. Jeez -- it's going to be tough not to try again.