Kickstart pawl dimensions

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Re-attach the kick starter to the shaft and use this to act as a lever and the inner case should now be able to be removed .

This is a great tip. I struggled with getting my inner cover off, and it was off the bike :rolleyes:

And FWIW, i found these good reference on the gearbox...

Wicked, thanks for the links TomU! I've made a couple of inquiries about the shaft with suppliers and hoping that the folks in nearby Nova Scotia have one in stock. The how it works and the check lists are new to me and should definitely come in handy.

Thanks again!
Hey all,

The parts have arrived :)! I have the new kickstart shaft put together, and I'm getting ready to reassembly the gearbox. I notice that in one of the links that TomU kindly provided the instructions for reassembly include the use of gasket sealer when put the cases back together, but another set of instructions in same the list of links does not. I have a gaskets. Anyone have any advice on whether or not gasket sealer should be used?

I think I'm gonna use a little sealant as described in the more detailed set of instructions. A bit of insurance.
I used Permatex Moto Seal in place of the inner gasket because in my case it gave me the correct end play without using shims. Used Gasga cinch on the outer gasket.
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