isolastic replacement.

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Mar 7, 2009
Hello All
I wonder if anyone can help I need to know how long it would take a competent mechanic to replace front and rear isolastic mounts on an electric start Mk3 Commando.
Better still if there is a industry wide time for the job.

Thank you in Advance.
depends on how galled in place the spindles are after 42 years...

including fighting that, cleaning and lubing the tubes...maybe 4 hours, with the rear of course being most finicky

a small jack to lift the motor with head steady removed and a willing assistant....
I recall that the exhaust system must be removed in order to remove the front iso long bolt.
If the balanced headers have not been off for years, a couple hours wrestling with it may be needed!
Thank you for the reply.
The exhaust front pipes have just been replated and only fitted loosly.
Tank off, primary inner cover out of the way then maybe hinge the bike, 4Hrs maybe for the iso's but work in way?
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