Didn't have keys so I just ordered a whole new switch off ebay. There are no markings, not even for battery. I can probably figure it out but life would be so much easier if I at the very least knew which one was battery. Thanks
There are no markings, not even for battery. I can probably figure it out but life would be so much easier if I at the very least knew which one was battery.
Assuming the key positions are the same as the original switch then it should be easy enough to work out.
Turn the key to 'Parking with lights' and using a multimeter (set to Ohms) or a battery and bulb, identify which pair of terminals have continuity across the switch.
One will be terminal '1' the other will be '3' but to identify which is which, turn the key to 'Ignition only' and check again, one terminal will be the same as the previous check and that identifies it as terminal 1, the other one will be different at this switch position and that will be terminal 2.
That also identifies the other 'Parking with lights' terminal as 3 and the remaining terminal as 4.
1 - NU (brown/blue)
2 - W (white)
3 - NG (brown/green)
4 - UY (blue/yellow)
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