Hortons asks if I can resolve differences, hm, air filters, tanks and number plates?
Help me out here I hate unsolved mysteries.
I just lucked out for full race P!! level intro to motorcycling in '72.
As cute as these photo's are I liked my more minimalist one better and notice none of these above wonders have the full aircraft art work web-weave of safety wire connecting each head and cylinder nut with one wire. If fate had not removed it from me I could well have succumbed to a Burt Monroe fate.
Cheatah 45's were for red blooded American market but retain BSA/Triumph genes to start accessory mounts fatigue fractures the moment they are started.
Building a factory version is sweet to look at but sad to enjoy. Building a desert racer - hill climber - cafe for trafffic light contests and walk arounds at gatherings is about all I can see the real life of one, now I've discovered under powered over weight Commando's can be improved on and still be so refreshing comfortable over rough stuff.
I'd straddle mine and pick it up and spin it around to leave garage, d/t clutch sticking so couldn't roll or shift w/o some rocking room. Most dangerous thing I did on my P!! was to unstick clutch. It would just smoke a street tire like on grease just putting against a wall, only way to get the hard hit to break free was
push, was start in N and get running then hop on then snick 1st then grab WOT
and hope it freed before end of suburban street.
It was one bad motorcycle. How bad? Well nerd me with greaser hair do, penny loafers polyesther pants and slide rule in holster, got invited inside color'd gangs with nasty and illegal activities for members and victims only. I quit that scene real quick.
But in those days only the big HD's could pull hard at the rates my P!! would over the ton. After spanking anything else that dared me in public I was a bit flustered that the HDs could equal my pull over the ton to who knows how fast as no speedo just tach. Riders with Club Colors almost always ride 2 a breast though thick and thin so weirdly I feel more akin to 1%'rs bikes than proper BI.
I lunched on them too below 100 though which is how I got so noticed by them.
Juicy topic to me, sorry, carry on.