How the mighty have...

Nov 11, 2008
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... fallen.
It's day 6. Saturday morning, just after 10. I can't present this in any way other than as it comes.
You need to understand me, and the way that I will tell this.
Last night was a bad night. I was in a lot of pain. Quantum. Am still quantum. I am finely divided with the knife, but I am still not yet in the continuum.
We need to go backwards for me to start telling my story. It's 4, maybe 4:15 Sunday afternoon, and I'm heading home along Corinella Rd on the Commando. My first test ride has gone well. I'm pleased. What hasn't gone gone well is me removing work from my mind when I ride. We are approaching Agar Rd intersection from the East. Ahead of me is a Holden Vectra and behind that, some sort of 4x4 thing of a dark colour. They are cueing at the intereaction to do a right hand turn in front of me. I have clocked the Vectra. My next thought is about work.

This is my mistake.
He was mever going to prop.
He turns.
The Norton and me and the Vectra are one for a very short amount of time.
You see, I don't blame him - I blame myself. I should have taken evasive action - He was never going to stop. Instead, I thought of work...
(Pictures here some other time)
I should have thought "Vectra! Vectra!" instead I thought Vectra - work.

When last we spoke, I had been translated through Calabi-Yau space.
This comes with a price. I have moved 100 meters. I embrace the tarmac. It takes me to it's bosom. It holds me tight in return.
I have moved through calabi-yau space.
I embrace the tarmac god. We are one. I am Perfect. There are men, strong men, powerful men who wish to take me from this perfect state. Im not sure how they did it. I imagine scissors, shovels and body bags. I am in the ambulance. I think we talked and time passes agIn. We are not going anywhere though. The arc Angels arrive by helicoptor and I'm moved from the ambulance. We fly the Great Circle and I am here. Wherever here is. I have an impression of the horizon and the suburban lights and he woop woop of the chopper. And the Angels have delivered me here.

In time I'm under the knife to be finely divided and when this is complete I have the one task which is to put myself back together again. I dont know if you know those games we played with a three by three matrix missingone element. Given time you could manipulate arrangements where you could have them where you want them.
More to come.
I wish you all the best with a complete , total recovery from what sounds like a real nasty one , Good Luck and never give in !
You are the pain and the pain is you. In time, this too will pass.

To be replaced by another.

Recover quickly. Be there for it.
Hope you knit up without complications and are on the road again soon. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Chin up Dave. I turned 25 years old in a hospital bed from a motorcycle crash. I had a clean break of my hip socket. When the doctor operated and repaired my hip, I woke up from surgery and my single ass cheek was the size of a basketball. I thought that I would never recover, but I eventually healed completely. It takes time to heal so be patient but also be persistant in your quest to recover. I hope things go well for you.
Dave, your post conveys the ethereal feeling of being injured and slightly confused while being quietly reassured you are being taken care of. Although under different circumstances, I remember that feeling from a year ago when I had an off-road excursion and woke up in an ambulance. Sounds like your injuries are much worse than mine as I was able to delay surgery until after I returned home. Hope you are being as well taken care of as I was.
Sorry guys, should have updated earlier, but my tablet died. Have now purchased a newy. Apologies also for the obscure posting. Powerful pain killers. I've been in other places, very dark places at times, but back now - more or less. Indeed: more than less. I'll tell you about my 3 Ketamine dreams / realities later.

I arrived in Rehab a bit over a week ago. It would seem that I'm here solely for the purpose of celebrating personal pain, but no, I'm here to climb out of the "broken" state and back to a stage where I can walk out.

It'll be about another 2 months before I reach that point and I'll discuss progress here. Guess I better posts some pics of the poor old Commando too. Just have to figure out how to edit pics on this new tabby. Back soon ...
I’ve taken my share of drugs in the past (we’re talking the kind that make the walls breathe) but nothing that would produce that kind of prose.
Things haven't prgressed as hoped. I'm out of Rehab and back in hospital due to an infection. Under the knife tomorrow. Really gutted: reserves are at minimum.
'll tell you about my 3 Ketamine dreams / realities later.

Dave , I know about the ketamine dreams / realities .
I had 2 and 1/2 weeks in ICU last year, not expected to survive, given lots of Ketamine. Even now the dreams feel like experiences in my life.
All the best.
thanks Sam, out of surgery now and it seems it all went ok. Will have to try and rebuild my reserves. Hit rock bottom on that one.
Thanks guys. Hate to sound like an old grizzle-guts, but that one was tough. I had a vision of a future where I stay stuck here and never return to rehab. It would be like a P. K. Dick story. Round and round the loop. I won't say any more about where this vision led to - it got pretty dark. Instead I say thanks to all your support as I had nothing, absolutely nothing left. I sent the following text to wife and son after the op: "Hi you two. Just wanted to tell you that without your love I don't think I'd have made it through the day. it was the toughest in my life. Thanks to both of you from the bottom of my heart. It has to be from the bottom until it fills up again, but thanks to you two, it won't be long. Love, Dad."
It's September 1 today. The end of Winter and the start of Spring. It's also Father's Day. All the best to all the dads. Share all that love guys.

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