I got an instant twitch/zing in the groin at first sight of the knobbie Cdo. Some day I've got to try a set on Peel in raw woods and creeks and paddle for the sand dunes.
Get this spike-point straight to the heart ya'll, I'm no longer in denial that once in a saddle somethings going to break, bleed and die - w/o any intention or effort on my part.
I want to do everything here and then some, beside just drops, on Peel ComBat, who wouldn't?
I've already done this stunt twice so'd be stupid not to gear up for more to come. Whole video worth a watch but skip to 4 min to see scale I'd like Peel to take, but no ski hook for moi.
While thinking about deer risks after a successful Trixie beer-box run late afternoon, --- would of got two-3 cases but were $18+ and just 30 min more
ride near state boarder its only $16, but had appointment to attend.
a deer half killed itself T-boning by car, so I double tapped 2, 3/8" fragile pistol rds into it little f--king brain stem, so only its white tail quivered a few more seconds.