Hobot's Crash Cage

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Nov 14, 2007
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Steve...I was following your thread about the "gravel proof" crash cage you were constructing...I wasn't able to visualize where you were going with this idea until I saw this:

Hobot's Crash Cage
LOL!!! Oh My Gosh Yes, just waiting on the big hinges an latch, then can keep the deer out of my hair.

Still in processing so don't have much to show but trial/error mid-night fitting and fretting how to throw my self at the ground and hit it hard but bike can shrug it off even if I don't. Only hard points on a Commando are at its far ends of frame attachments. Must have three attachments to resist all directions of impacts but over head, ugh.

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage
I like the Don Vesco "Rabid Transit" fairing a la Mad Max. I have one a bit nicer than that, thinking about putting it on my Interstate next winter...
Peel's Vesco is perfect, what you see is the light sanding off its fine black patent leather shine to take a new color some day. All fasteners and fittings removed so its all barely balanced + tape holding for measures. Lowers fit on too, just inside the cage protection. Will have space for ultra light flight instruments and stereo plus who knows what.

Hobot's Crash Cage
It's comming along!! I want your front fork brace. Back in about 1985 I was in a shop in south Houston and the owner had a super charger on sale for around $900, which was out of my price range then, but seems it was a bargin. Cj
Hehehe, glad Peel's appeal is leaking out. If I had the money I made in Houston oil boom era and knew Commando's still existed I'f bought out the shop instead of blowing in on hot rods and jet boat water ski waste. Blower is a highlight attention getter of course but its only icing on the cake to me and may not like it handling wise I'm told. Awaiting some Al rods then the slicing dicing and gluing and bolting begins. One or two more innovations to implement-test-correct then the rest is mostly just assembly like hoses and harnesses. In intervals, this custom stuff is fun. oh yeah what color is Ms Peel wearing?

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage
cmessenk said:
Steve...I was following your thread about the "gravel proof" crash cage you were constructing...I wasn't able to visualize where you were going with this idea until I saw this:

Hobot's Crash Cage

You've got to love this man's thought process. Goes to all lengths to protect the upper body, yet wears flip flops. I hope this isn't you, Hobot.
Hehe, been there seen this before, so I know this flip flop wearing biker is a cargo carrier, so either the cage is the cargo load on this tirp or more likely what cage designed to contain has been delivered and he's off for another load. Ms Peel cargo basket is only half that big and heavy so can only carry one car or truck tire to fix at once w/o having to rope on another. Two 50lb feed bags and 3 cases of beer is biggest load I've carried on her so far. Rear loop broke though when I added loose strapped chain saw to the load and the bouncing got us. So welded back on and whacked on ground with frame over head till loop about right then put on struts to carry on. But side car shoulld relieve everyone's humor on how much one can carry on a Commando.

Hobot's Crash Cage
Wow that's impressive, perhaps that one belongs to the local Constabulary.
You could fill it up with drunks, then run them back to the Station.
To stay on point its crash protection and hauling cargo Ms Peel is being configured for. Here's some the factors I'm taking in through not nearly as mild as these parking lot tests.


Steve, if you post videos of you willingly dumping your Commando on the tarmac...well, I'm just going to have to put you on my "ignore list"! :lol:
cmessenk, I am looking forward to video of me bailing off Ms Peel on grass then pavement then, ugh, THE Gravel, then weapons and video mounted, viewer finder and field of fire sighted in, then deer spotlighting and shooting era can begin, or any time of day too. That'll be some time later this year so only updates on cage development and static drops to show till then. Just got back from a beer case run on Trixie successfully, so in good mood, one kick lick pleasure again.

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage
hobot said:
cmessenk, I am looking forward to video of me bailing off Ms Peel on grass then pavement then, ugh, THE Gravel, then weapons and video mounted, viewer finder and field of fire sighted in, then deer spotlighting and shooting era can begin, or any time of day too. That'll be some time later this year so only updates on cage development and static drops to show till then. Just got back from a beer case run on Trixie successfully, so in good mood, one kick lick pleasure again.

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage

Steve...your ARE a gas....

Throw yourself at the ground and miss!

...looks like you didn't miss in that last photo! :P
grandpaul said:
I like the Don Vesco "Rabid Transit" fairing a la Mad Max. I have one a bit nicer than that, thinking about putting it on my Interstate next winter...

It segues nicely with the milk-carton rear luggage rack...??? :D
I got an instant twitch/zing in the groin at first sight of the knobbie Cdo. Some day I've got to try a set on Peel in raw woods and creeks and paddle for the sand dunes.

Get this spike-point straight to the heart ya'll, I'm no longer in denial that once in a saddle somethings going to break, bleed and die - w/o any intention or effort on my part.

Hobot's Crash Cage

I want to do everything here and then some, beside just drops, on Peel ComBat, who wouldn't?

I've already done this stunt twice so'd be stupid not to gear up for more to come. Whole video worth a watch but skip to 4 min to see scale I'd like Peel to take, but no ski hook for moi.

While thinking about deer risks after a successful Trixie beer-box run late afternoon, --- would of got two-3 cases but were $18+ and just 30 min more
ride near state boarder its only $16, but had appointment to attend.
Hobot's Crash Cage

a deer half killed itself T-boning by car, so I double tapped 2, 3/8" fragile pistol rds into it little f--king brain stem, so only its white tail quivered a few more seconds.

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage

Hobot's Crash Cage
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