Hey, who wants a flying motorcycle?

For those of us who can remember it will probably be accepted by the military as keenly as the Mini Moke was......
Wot's wrong with the mini moke?
As they used to say "Moking is not a wealth hazard!"
Hey, who wants a flying motorcycle?
I was surprised to see the Moke is still being produced, but will be all electric from this year.
Wot's wrong with the mini moke?
As they used to say "Moking is not a wealth hazard!"
So you are under enemy fire in a muddy jungle setting and need to get away quick. Do you pick the Willy's Jeep/Land Rover or the Mini Moke? It has all the rough terrain capability of a Dalek.

I used to work at the highly secret Lucas Group Research centre full of Oxbridge graduates and cutting edge product/ processes, and we had Mokes as company cars!
Which reminds me of something nearly 40 years ago. One of my fellow staff members at work had one and drove it into work one day. It also happened to be his birthday, doughnuts and cakes etc. Well wishes and cards from everyone

He also got a large present, all neatly wrapped and tied with a bow, from the mechanics.

It was his steering wheel, removed from the fully open Moke.
But you would never be in it for long after first impact ;)
The fabric roof comes off and zips together as a body bag.

Pushing the envelope of time even further They are re-running the Prisoner series on UK TV with these little fellas running around the village.