Re: Hesitation when throttling in neutral
Well, I spent the last half of the day pulling the carbs off and going through them according to Bushmans' link on Amals. I cleaned out the tiny air hole with a small guitar string and verified this with may times on each carb, took the metering jet apart and cleaned it. Looked closely at the needle and it has a good taper mark on the end and no apparent wear I could see and reset my needles back to the center mark. Verified my floats were set right and the bowls were as flat as I could get them on the body with no light coming through. I put a new set of ticklers that do not spill fuel all over my fingers now. I put the carbs on the bike and put a little semi permanent loctite on the manifold to head allen bolts and got them tight, even took a little sandpaper to the mating surfaces to make sure it was good and clean.
I then got about setting the slides according to the site. opened the throttle to WOT and adjusted the slides till I could no longer see them then adjusted to where I could barely see them at the top of the carb opening. Then I let them down to adjust the slides with the adjuster screws. The right side adjusted but the left side would not even feel the screw all the way in. I got it to where I could get the adjuster to touch the slide and proceeded with the 3/8 drill bit test. The slides were in sync so I cranked the bike up. Up to 3000 rpm steady and could not adjust down so I shut it down. Adjusted the slides lower with the top carb adjusting screws and went back through the adjustment process and once again, 3000 rpm and could not adjust lower. I kept adjusting the slides down and ended up with the top adjusters all the way down on the top of the carbs. Adjusted the slide adjuster screw, did the drill bit test and cranked her up, sat at about 2000 rpm and adjusted down until she was warm (I had a fan on the bike). Once warm adjusted the slides to about 1200-1300 rpm and proceeded with the air mixture screws until I had a good steady idle about 1100, smoothest I have ever felt her. Was going out to test ride and started to idle real low so I readjusted the slides and air screws until I got her back to where I wanted. Took a ride and felt really good, no hesitation when in idle and snapping the throttle, I applied very little pressure on the throttle and the rpm's did not drop, they went up so the slides must still be in good running condition even though I did see some wear on both of them . I did check play on the slides when putting them in and they did not rattle around any I could feel while putting back together.
I am learning and thankfully it seemed to do some good. I got all the numbers off the carb, jets and slides for later when I need to order parts. Going out in a little while to check spark plugs to see what color they are and adjust some. I will need to readjust anyways since I did the test run with no filter on!
As long as I can keep them running good I will continue to use Amals but I feel one day I will be ordering some PWKs from JPN once I get the funds, would like to take some work off my hands, LOL!!
Thanks guys!