Help, what is this?

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Jan 30, 2020
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I’ve just fitted a cnw starter and clutch kit and I’m left with these 3 What are they?

the centre maybe one Matt supplies and is for the rotor but what the heck is the spacer?

<blockquote class="imgur-embed-pub" lang="en" data-id="a/Gnp9QkP" data-context="false" ><a href="//"></a></blockquote><script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

The bottom looks like the spacer behind the rotor, above is a stock rotor nut, top is the clutch shaft.
Thanks, I guess Matt includes 2 new versions of the nuts, which therefore I have used. The rotor spacer hasn’t. I’d better get back inside :mad:
Recess side inward.

If the spacer was not in place on a stock chain primary there would be a massive inward step rotor to stator at the outer face.
Maybe the CNW starter/ belt drive has a different set up and not using the stock spacer.
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That could well be it. I’ve just removed the state and rotor and there is no space at all for anything else.
The Mighty Garage is mighty.
It does look to not need the stock spacer with the sprag drive needing that space.

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