I skipped it last year for weather. Anyone going this oct?
Went past the area Saturday.....Well within 40 mi. or so heading to Bastrop. I may have to look into this later on because it seems interesting enough. Don't think I'll saddle the old girl that far though for she is somewhat graying about the temples and such, so wouldn't want to put her out senselessly...Besides she doesn't care for crowds being on the shy side.
Truth is 150 mi. on that Roadster would be utter torture to my back & neck, but don't let my bike know please. Worried about layshaft bearing too. Need to inspect for distance cruises. Lotsa nowhere on those roads. Father forgive me for I have sinned through neglect...….Clear conscience now.
I expect to be there. Not sure which bike I will bring. Maybe the Matchless this time.I skipped it last year for weather. Anyone going this oct?
The Cherokee chapter of the AMCA show and swap meet got real wet on the way home from Fredericksburg last spring so I know what you mean.I’m in fl. Always try to ride the hill country at least once a yr. if no rain this yr I’m going to harvest then head to Leakey