Tire size for Onder's calculation is included in his ratio overall, because his final ratio is determined by observation.... so whatever his tire size is, it's accounted for by his stated observation. Changing tire size of course would change his observed ratio too... as I'm sure you know.
The ratios I quoted from gearing commander are theoretical, not observed. Those ratios do count on chosen tire size to give correct ratios. Interesting that gearing commander's stock calculations are different than the factory calculated ones.... I'll have to look into that.
Like you WZ, I realized that the best thing to do is to measure my rear wheel circumference to do my calculations, so I have done that. When I do calculations on that site, I adjust the tire size input to give me the measured circumference of my tire. I've gone out on the road with my GPS on the handlebars and I have checked the accuracy of both gauges. They're pretty close to being on the money, except the speedo starts to read higher than actual speed above 90 mph. I can live with that.
My bike turns 3977 rpms to go 70 mph by gearing commander's calculation table, using my measured tire circumferance, my GPS to check the speed. Both my clocks reasonably verifying the speed and the RPM's.. Here's my set up below.
If you want to calculate my 70mph rpms with the factory gear ratios, My tire circumferance is 81.49" As I said, I get 3977 rpms @ 70 mph with a 21 sprocket. I know the speed is correct because of the GPS. Certainly these smiths tachs are not accurate, but mine was right on the theoretical calculation from gearing commander, so I think it's close to being right... although I've never checked gearing commander's ratios against the factory ones. I just
assumed they used the factory ratios....
Thanks for posting those charts and all the other people for chiming in with their data and opinions on where they felt their gearing ratio was approaching it's limit of good performance. From what other people have said here, I think I could have gone to a 22 sprocket with my 18" wheel without sacrificing much low end grunt... Good to know. ( I have a custom rear wheel, so I could remove teeth from that sprocket for "half steps" too)