Funny but sad

Don't know if it's funny or sad -
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Edit: Found it online - verdict - it's SAAAAD!!

For others who can't see it -
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This is the kind of mentality that allowed the German 3rd Reich to gain power. They hated jews, gypsys, disabled people and the hyper-inflation
resulting from losing the 1st world war. And we all know how that all worked out. I am seriously afraid for our country and expecting our
"leader" to try to subvert or eliminate the upcoming election using Corvid-19 as an excuse. Stay tuned folks.
My uncle got that way. Reasoning was impossible, his opinion was the end all, at least to him. My wife's cousin who has a PHD in psychiatry now believes that the earth is the center of the universe. I haven't asked him what he thinks of progression and regression of the planets. I'm sure it's because god made it that way. Ignorance or denial of reality is now the new norm, a feature. I see plenty of it here in the hinterlands of VA. It's not uncommon, even among the educated.
I was in Portugal on a biking holiday around 3 years ago, and I met an elderly American couple in the 5 star hotel we were staying in (yes really and on a bike tour) and this was when Trump was just starting to become a a-hole.
I said to them don’t you wish Obama was back in the White House?
Oh, no we don’t want his sort back again.
sort of says it all really.....