I had the sparx regulator wired directly to the battery. No spark. On a whim I spliced the hot wire to the battery to switch wire after the fuse. Now there's spark. Doesn't make sense to me, but I'll take it.
I have now wired a tricon switch. Hi/Lo work fine. Haven't wired the kill. I have the black and pink striped wire going to a 30 amp relay (86) which has power from ignition switch to work on accessory position (30), to ground, (85) and out to horn (87). Horn's other spade is connected to the positive ground circuit. The horn will not sound. Am I missing something?
Thanks for your help.
I have now wired a tricon switch. Hi/Lo work fine. Haven't wired the kill. I have the black and pink striped wire going to a 30 amp relay (86) which has power from ignition switch to work on accessory position (30), to ground, (85) and out to horn (87). Horn's other spade is connected to the positive ground circuit. The horn will not sound. Am I missing something?
Thanks for your help.