Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?

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Oct 19, 2005
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Full squat at rear, full extension at front, balanced on frame. Fitted fender by best compromise of its plastic age distortion, but was cheap and light. Fork at full lock on rolled sock stop on tank. Tank shifted back 3/4" so bit more fork range.
Yellow thing is air supply. Oil filter below that. Not sure what next.

Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?

Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?
caddy chris said:
Not another corbin.

Ya, but a corbin is sleek quality that makes a commando look and feel fast, just plain cool. Steve some guys like fat and some guys like pregnant. Though neither is my cup of tea it looks good so far keep up the progress.
pelican said:
all interstate tanks are that big? the 2 together look HUGE!!!

pelican, I always thought I wanted an interstate set up and when I finally got one and realized how big it was I couldn't use it and ended up putting it in the loft of the garage. I just can't make myself like them or maybe get used to it, but for now I am sticking with roadster tanks and covers on both bikes.
Diablouph said:
A fat seat and a pregnant tank, but boy does she have the moves.

The guy I bought my 750 from said the same thing, the Interstate tank looks "pregnant". Some are more pregnant than others. I think they had several different sizes of Interstate tanks over the years. Evan Wilcox makes a slimline Interstate tank that looks really good IMHO. I've thought about getting one, but right now I need the money for other things. Besides, I'm more of a Roadster girl anyway.

hobot, you need a big sissy bar and maybe a King and Queen choppa seat to go with those struts! And of course a 16 inch wheel. :P

The seat doesn't need any help looking fat, it does thgat all by itself.

The Interstate tank is made to look fatter by the seat! Otherwise, I have no problem with the Interstate tank when it is set down on the frame properly as intended.
I think the tank looks good, but as others have said the seat makes the bike look too fat!
IMHO it would look better with a Manx style seat (cheap) or a corbin (expensive) or tear the seat apart and use the base for a custom job. I think it would look good if you lost a couple of inches from the seat hump.

Hehe, thanks for reacting same way I do yo'all. The picture I first took but somehow got whole camera card erased as I was down loading > looked even more pudgy, like a "pregnant elephant" is what came to mind. Like the TV icon, Ms Peel has many looks and fashion. But alas from must fit function 1st and foremost. I'm a skinny butt so I'd like plush women bottoms for the rough rides and big tank to wrap knees around and cowboy a long time w/o stopping : )

There will be other functional fashions that'll make Miss Twiggy squeal in shock : )

Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?
Steve, That's just how it is when you put the 80LB sack of grain and case a beer out back. They just have no clue how you really use this thing no apologetic seats for you. Now some kind of bar at the back to keep that stuff from sliding off..... Maybe a 69 sign or a peace sign good for bungee hooks….
A fat seat and a pregnant tank, but boy does she have the moves.

Ah man ain't that the Truth!

The Other Truth is I had no concept of transformation in Smooth Grip and Neutral Handling the "Rump Rod" + helpers provided - classed Nortons as dead dinosaurs walking - blending in comfortable with short shifting pleasure touring Harley s.

So yes a Sissy bar, big side bags and foot forward pegs are part of Ms Peels innate genetic make up to me and always will be, even as I pass tucked down sports bikes, upright jacket sides flapping while showing them the groceries in milk crate on luggage rack. Oh yeah, Kings and Queens sure enjoy a comfortable life style of luxury.

Initial set up for daily easy life - pre Ms Peel name calling. Added fork leather tool bag soon after this shot : )
Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?

After 5 yrs hand holding re-newal, learning form the Gods of Performance and Cafe's best modifications, like Norbsa-Greg, who knows my condition, still felt, yeah sure, spiff up a sow's ear obsolete baby buggy, still a sow's ear, with bling.
So did initial Ms Peel this way and loved it - for 1000 miles run in Harely like.
Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?

Here's more real life profile the living room angle distorts proportions.
Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?

Had taken the two 50# feed bags off the plump seat hump before thought to take a snap shot. Rear loop fractured off earlier with a bucket of tools and skill saw in milk crate, got lower and lower on THE Gravel then popped. Now Peel has robust back side load capacity
Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?

Duh, nope Peel is not really shown at full rear squat, the front tire and the frame block still lifting rear ~3/8" off the plywood to spin freely.

Full tear down tool kit, plus various spares, couple mason jars of best Doe's Urine 'shine and campsite tent bags, 4 place table and 8 ft 5 post awning on board '04 to Ohio rally. What can I say but i can't avoid 'The Chopper Stance"
Dose IS tank make my chopper seat look fat?
Looks good all together! Dang Steve! With all that stuff on back im surprised you didn't wheelie the whole way there!
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