Dominator SS - Who is getting one State Side?

Sep 21, 2015
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Norton will be building them shortly for ROW and there are a few spots left I hear. I will be putting my deposit down this week but who else is doing this in the States?
I inquired to Norton UK about getting one and my emails went unanswered. What the Story? Availability ,price etc
I too had no response to my inquiries about price and availabity. I believe the SS is a limited edition and it will be the Dominator that may come stateside but I can't confirm that either!
speirmoor said:
Interesting I thought there was only one machine. What are the differences?

The SS Dominator is much like a Domiracer with less attention to detail to keep the value of the Domiracers up! The Dominator does not have the alloy tank or pipes of the DR. The Dominator has a British flag paint scheme or a very, very wlld checker scheme. I believe they will have the short Motad pipes!
Ok gents here are all the facts.

The Dominator SS is the same bike as the Domiracer except its street legal.

It has the same attention to detail
It's the same engine as the 961 and Domiracer
It comes with the same exhaust as the Domiracer and also a second exhaust system that is quieter and includes cat.
The dominator SS was first offered 1-50 for uk only which sold out and row is 51-200.
The bike is going through approval for states now and should ship early 2016.
The dominator does have the alloy hand made tank just like the Domiracer
Price is 24,500 British sterling
If you want to get one in the states add tax, import fees and shipping.
Total price will be approx $41,000 when all said and done
You could also wait for your dealer to get one

Any questions let me know. I know all this since I have ordered one.
Paul I think you are confusing the SS Dominator and the Dominator, they are 2 separate models. What is ROW. I assume you ordered the SS , the alloy tank is optional on the Dominator. There seems to be much mis - information out there which is the normal rumor mill for Norton!
Paul I think you are confusing the SS Dominator and the Dominator, they are 2 separate models. What is ROW. I assume you ordered the SS , the alloy tank is optional on the Dominator. There seems to be much mis - information out there which is the normal rumor mill for Norton!

Hi BPHORSEGUY, Everything I said is specific to the Dominator SS which is the one with the alloy tank and the more expensive of the two. The Dominator SS is the only one being built at this time is what I am told directly from my contact at Norton and Phil at Krazy Horse.

You are correct there are two different variations which is the Dominator and the Dominator SS. The one I have ordered is the Dominator SS which is pictured here ... inator-ss/

ROW is "rest of world"

It took some research and a lot of questions to finally make a decision and especially since I was trying to get one quickly and when I thought for sure I had it on the way we were not able to get all the proper approval paperwork to import so now I must wait.
potratz said:
Total price will be approx $41,000 when all said and done
And for that reason 'I'm out" (Best Shark Tank impression)
Seriously though a bridge too far for me. I saw one at the IOM TT last year. Beautiful machine you will absolutely love it.
When you get it I want to see it and I will bring your beverage of choice! :D

Sounds like a great plan! So I will put in my order now for sugar free red bull. :D

I am hoping to get it sooner rather than later... not sure why since it will just sit in the garage. At least I can sit and look at it. :mrgreen:
potratz said:
When you get it I want to see it and I will bring your beverage of choice! :D

Sounds like a great plan! So I will put in my order now for sugar free red bull. :D

I am hoping to get it sooner rather than later... not sure why since it will just sit in the garage. At least I can sit and look at it. :mrgreen:

Sounds like i'm getting off cheap! :D
As far as sitting in the garage are you talking about the weather or registration difficulties or ? My 961SF was the first new Norton registered in the US and that was fun! :x
As far as sitting in the garage are you talking about the weather or registration difficulties or ? My 961SF was the first new Norton registered in the US and that was fun! :x

The weather will be the concern. I was working to get it in the states prior to the proper paperwork needed by the US Gov but decided it was too much hassle. I am so bad at keeping my bikes registered and only have 1 of them with a state inspection. They are all insured though.

In the winter I switch to the KTM's with studded tires. In mid-Nov I will be riding the Pine Barrens 500 and I hope it's somewhat warm.
There's somethiing fugazy (NY gangster for suspicious) about that add. A. For sale in all states except California, the bike is in California. B. Click on the seller's store and other items for sale. Its kind of like a used ladies clothing and thrift shop. What would they be doing with a brand new Dommie?