Dead Brake light

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Dec 26, 2007
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The brake light on my '68 Commando has died for an unknown reason. The bulb is OK and the tail light works. There is no power to the brake contact but the light contact has power, so: there's power and a ground.

The wire is brown/green & disappears into the wire loom. It has no power anywhere in its length that I can see.

I am seeking suggestions as to where to look next. The brake light switch is set properly. Plus, all worked last year!!

Is there any power at the switch Stephen? Could just be corrosion inside the switch, as a quick check, try bridging out the switch connections and see if the light comes on,
Everything worked on the Commando LAST YEAR. We live in the present.

Shouldn't the wire be Brown? Brown/Green is the Running light.

Check the White at the Brake Light Switch. Use the battery for positive, NOT the frame.

Be sure to have the key in the ignition and in the correct position. Others, not me, have made this silly mistake.

DON't trust ANY connector. Check each one.

Good luck.

Things like this make King George smile.
I did EXACTLY as you suggested and INSTANTLY fried something. The fuse melted, and smoke came from below the battery tray.

It's worse than embarassing. Now, I need to know what I fried so I can order the parts.

chasesa said:
I did EXACTLY as you suggested and INSTANTLY fried something. The fuse melted, and smoke came from below the battery tray.

It's worse than embarassing. Now, I need to know what I fried so I can order the parts.


Let me guess, it's negative ground?
My attorney has advised me to take the 5th , but I drank it instead.

How could you fry something? You did use a voltmeter? Or, maybe a bulb with two leads?

wiring diagram and my bike show brown to STOP LIGHT. brown/green to back running light.

The only thing I can think of under the battery is the wires to the horn and the wires to the brake light switch.

Neg or pos ground, it should not matter.

Did it fry when you turned on the switch? Or when you checked for voltage? Are the brown wires to the brake switch still good?
Hi Group,
In spite of the blown fuse & smoke I am happy to report that the bike starts & runs fine. As soon as I can, however, i will check the wiring.

Herein lies an important lesson: One must be very careful in acting on offered advice, even where well intended.

I was lucky this time and i still have full confidence in the forum.
chasesa said:
Hi Group,
In spite of the blown fuse & smoke I am happy to report that the bike starts & runs fine. As soon as I can, however, i will check the wiring.

Herein lies an important lesson: One must be very careful in acting on offered advice, even where well intended.

I was lucky this time and i still have full confidence in the forum.

You never said what advice you took and if you are positive or negative ground. When it comes to electrical that is the first thing you need to state when asking for help. If you don't know the difference you shouldn't touch the wiring at all!
chasesa said:
Herein lies an important lesson: One must be very careful in acting on offered advice, even where well intended.

I think the blown fuse was the result of a simple misunderstanding-and not from any bad advice?

As I think Diablouph was suggesting that you did a voltage check between the (brown) feed wire and the battery (+), and you did a continuity check, so when you powered up the circuit, it blew the fuse. I can't explain the smoke, unless the fuse rating was hoo high, possibly?
It's a positive ground, as from factory.

As for the advice, I accept it's more my misunderstanding of what was offered as opposed to suggesting it was bad advice. I will still be more careful next time.
I too, made an assumption about the test. I will be more carefull in the future to make sure that both of us are on the same page.

Now, did you ever get your Brake Light to work?
No brake light yet. But, whew, I am happy she still runs.

I'll wait for a rainy day & put it on the stand (now occupied by a Mark lll)
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