Cylinder barrel paint

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Jun 28, 2009
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Hi Guys,

Any recommendations for barrel painting (in black)?

I'm contemplating using etch primer and 2k black - will this work OK or is using the primer a bit OTT?
I don't know how the 2-pack will work with the heat, but I know it'll look good before I fire the bike up!
Awww, GrandPaul you're stealing my secrets! :lol:

I, too, have used gloss black Rust-oleum on cylinders for many years. No primer, just beadblast and shoot.

I have a can of PJ1 black but haven't used it yet.
I have had great luck with Dupli-Color Gloss Black DE 1613. Scuff it up good with sandpaper and a few light coats gives a great shine. It calls for primer but i have never used any and the paint sticks just fine
I used the VHT (PJ1) on mine, except I used Silver the second time I painted ('73)
Cylinder barrel paint
Last week I just sprayed my cylinders with PJ1 Gloss Black. Turned out real good. No runs... I used the whole can for the barrels. No Problems. I also sprayed my bottom crankcases with PJ1 silver…also with good results.
There's a fine line between not using enough paint (funnily enough, Dreer cylinders all seem to have this malady), and TOO MUCH paint (retains heat).

A whole can sounds like a bit on the "too much" side...

Rust-O-Leum is noteworthy in that it DEFINITELY stops any rust that should have been removed initially. I find one good coat, thorough inspection to find light or missed spots, touchup those spots, then one final coat is a very good program. About 1/2 can. Mask the head surface, cam follower bores and cylinder skirts.
Hey Guys, my barrel was painted with VHT (PJ1) then baked in my oven for about an hour, the end result is pics what you see here hopefully.
These pics were taken around Christmas time when I was building my bike at home..
This is my first attempt of posting pics, Mac user only.

Cylinder barrel paint

Cylinder barrel paint

Brewer said:
Hey Guys, my barrel was painted with VHT (PJ1) then baked in my oven for about an hour, the end result is pics what you see here hopefully.
These pics were taken around Christmas time when I was building my bike at home...

Where was the wife?

This is my first attempt of posting pics, Mac user only.

I'd say you did ok... for a Mac user. :D
Thanks swooshdave.
The wife couldn't handle the pace. So I swapped her for these two instead.

Cylinder barrel paint

Brewer said:
Thanks swooshdave.
The wife couldn't handle the pace. So I swapped her for these two instead.

They don't look like they cook so I don't think they'll complain about the oven.
swooshdave said:
Brewer said:
Thanks swooshdave.
The wife couldn't handle the pace. So I swapped her for these two instead.

They don't look like they cook so I don't think they'll complain about the oven.

Some great pics - too nice to take out onto the road, almost :wink:

Oh, and let me say...nice jugs (well someone had to say it :oops: )
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