Cursed Grommet!

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Mar 9, 2010
I don't know...

Is it a bad grommet, or am I overlooking the obvious...? My minor/annoying primary leak resurfaced. I finally got a good look at the leak using a mirror, there is a LOT of oil coming straight out of that damned alternator lead grommet! A stream straight down and then spreading across the bottom of the primary and ending up in a pitiful drip off the front and onto the pipe. Irritating.

The new grommet is fairly loose, doesn't fit either the hole or the wire as nicely as I would think it should. I was hoping enough grease would help, but it doesn't seem to. Did I get a scrappy grommet? AN is still out of them, this one was from Domi-Racer. Just seems wrong. Can I put something else in here to get this to seal up properly? I tried some 3 bond, but everything I put in seems to get pushed out and then it's back to loose.

Anyway... oh the weather is quite nice and I just want to ride... Won't let a little drip drip drip get to me...
3 Bond isn't going to do it.

As folks have said, RTV has it's place and this is one of them.
If the hole in the grommet is bigger than the wire you certainly have cause to complain, however what may help to mitigate the problem is see that the wire going from the alternator stays low and then up to the hole.
If the wire is coming down to the hole any oil that gathers on it will be directed to the hole.
Any chance you have overfilled the primary case and the oil is being thrown around more than usual.

I purchased mine from Walridge motors and these are soft and plyable. This should stop your leak issue.
Helps if I read your entire post :oops:
Thanks again guys! Okay, I am (finally) breaking down and buying some RTV... It was bound to happen. Also, my line certainly runs down straight to the hole, I didn't even think of that, but it makes sense. I'll bet that's creating a nice little oil slide. Ugh. This forum is both helpful and humbling...
Just a thought. You could try Heat Shrink Tubing on the stator wire where it passes through the grommet. This will build up the fit between the ID of the Grommet and the lead going through the inner primary. Mark the lead on either side of the grommet. Cut a chunk of Heat Shrink and slide it into position. Put some heat there and let it shrink into place. Then feed the lead back into position and reattach.
Use the type that has glue on the Heat shrink to make a good seal. Any Auto supply will carry this.
Just take a 3/4" long piece of hose that will go around the wires, slit/cut it so that when you put it around the wires and into the hole, the edges of the hose will meet. Put some sealer - I used Ultimate gray motoseal - inside the hose and press it into place, adding some sealant around the joint. It will seal perfectly and you don't ever have to worry about having the correct grommet.
When I put my primary back together I found a spot on my wires that had a bit of damage to the insulation just at the point where they entered the stator. I used 3M Scotchkote (brush on from the can) on it to seal the wires back up. While I was there I put the same on the grommet and so far so good. It is a great product.

I hate to say it, but I got bad fork bushings from Domiracer as well. Maybe their part source is questionable or are all dealers getting supplied with same garbage as Domiracer? My fork rebuild kit packaging was actually labelled as Domiracer.
I think the fork bushings have been threaded ad nasium. I got a set from Walridge and they were DomiRacer, one was out of round and the other fit fine. Mike sent me another after several years (because I didn't install them, nice guy) and it fit fine too. The first bad one was out of round, but I understand you can beat on them and straighten them out. But then there are different size stanchions out there too, and probably different dimensioned bushings. Luck of the draw, I was lucky, they fit.

Okay. I've made my peace with RTV, I guess...

There is still some weeping at the grommet, but it was such a minimal amount after a long ride that I no longer care... I still think this particular grommet is a loser, but hey, we can't all be perfect, right?

The thing I'm most excited about is that I don't see any oil coming from anywhere else on the primary. And no drip drip dripping. Nice. I almost feel like I shouldn't say anything at this point. Am I jinxing it?

Isn't there a song about this? "You and me and a dog named RTV."

Happy motoring gents!
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