Compliments Test

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My Bike is no show bike by a long way.... and I don't care if it's no where near trailor queen material and has numerous non-stock modifications to make it a better riding bike... I don't get the kind of comments that show quality bikes get, but I do get a lot of comments from old geezers like myself... reminicing their childhood memories when Nortons were more common to see...

Some of the most interesting comments I've heard were:

"Is that a smaller version of the old norton commando, or were they all originally this small? I seem to remember them being much bigger..."

"Wait, You mean the pistons go up and down together??"

"Let me see if your bike marked it's parking spot!"

"A kick start?? Is the starter broken?"

and lastly, my favorite,.... "Lucas, The prince of darkness!!!"
o0norton0o said:
I don't get the kind of comments that show quality bikes get, but I do get a lot of comments from old geezers like myself... reminicing their childhood memories when Nortons were more common to see...

Ditto. Same goes for Triumphs. I'm always getting comments on my 2000 Legend 900 triple along the lines of "what year is that Trident?, My uncle had a 72"
What gets me going is they always bale you up when your in a hurry, they want to know the whole history, I just say thanks mate, kick it over and take off, I have had poeple follow me when they see my Norton, I soon loose them :lol:, but when I am stopped and I'm not in a hurry its good to talk about it, mostly the older poeple I have lots of time for (starting to show my age now) but you be surprised at how many younger lads have some knollege as they say my dad has one in the shed or is still riding his etc, its great talking bikes but sometimes it can be annoying when there is some serouse drinking to be had back at home :lol:

Almost a year since this thread last saw light o' day and the Commando has been off the road for a large chunk of that time. Well I got her going again yesterday at about 5pm, so took a quick run down to the servo on the highway to make sure she's running ok. On my way out of the shop after paying for petrol, this woman coming in says to me "Don't start her until I come back out!" as she passes. Hmm. Ok. Fair enough, anything for an attractive young thing, I'll still be getting my gear ready anyway. She's straight over to the bike and we chat on a bit, she's pretty bike savvy, has always adored Commandos, and thinks mine looks pretty good. I lose ground when she finds out I have a Ducati as well, but faith is restored when she finds out how old it is - she reckons those "dry clutch" bikes are for uuankers. Kind of agree there, the Duc clutch rattle is a bit that way. I don't think I can extend the conversation, pity that, so bid her g'day. Bessie starts on kick #3 and I wave and am off. True story bro.
That's nuthin' ...

I am regularly accosted by one, if not two, pretty young girls telling me how cool my bike looks and making it clear that in general terms, I am their hero.

I don't see how the fact that Rosie (8) and Maggie (6) are my daughters should detract from the story. Much.
Then there's the Vincent, a magnet for British male Octogenarians.
The Commando is of interest to more people as everyone seems to have owned one at some time, or knows someone who did.
Not a flicker of interest in the new Triumphs, even the cafe bike. Well maybe from one 961 owner who doesn't want to hear about it :mrgreen:
It's kind of nice riding a bike that very few people are interested in. You can fuel up and get rolling very quickly.

Fast Eddie wrote:That's nuthin' ...

I am regularly accosted by one, if not two, pretty young girls telling me how cool my bike looks and making it clear that in general terms, I am their hero.

Nigel, I often have fantasies like this, only involving busty long legged twenty or thirty year old girls!!
Right now I'm having a fantasy that a short legged Octogenarian with ample accounts buys the Vincent I have for sale.

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