Commando Speedo

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Jun 3, 2005
Went for my last rideout this year before the bike goes away for the winter, as I was returning the speedo needle started being erratic jumping all over, on returning home I removed the cable from the back of the speedo to find It had been contaminated with greas, this happened about 5 years ago in which I had to send the clock away to get flushed out.

Is this something I could do myself ? or is it not an easy task to carry out.

Thanks for any help.

You will have to remove and replace the bezel to get into the speedo, and unless you are willing to do that, no, it's not easy. Maybe you need to start using some dry-lube (moly-teflon) in the cables? Why would grease migrate into the speedo unless you are really packing the cable with grease? Make sure too, when you have your cable into the speedo gearbox and look at the clock end, the cable end should not protrude farther than the end of the nut over the cable.

Suspect speedo driveo first O. Next suspect clock end of cable slipping up too high or too low in engagement. Best wishes if new sideline hobby is bezel lesions and DIY tools.
New bezels are available and it's not that hard, I've done it by hand, I have a thread on it sometime in the past, but not as nice as a tooled job, only ugly part is underneath which is not seen unless pulled out of the holder. Which one here did I replace the bezel?

Commando Speedo

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