When I was 20 and wanted to blow out static of school, drugs, gangs, draft and war time riots and girls I'd risk broken foot/ankle or knee to start the P!!, but was so so loud [cop bait] and so low in front was impossible to lean to turn even a major city hwy 4 way intersection, [Tallahasse Fla. state Captiol} so was also impossible to road race on hilly curved hwys, unless in city by stunt bike parking lot, drag wet tire heat smoke out leaps and slides or flat tracker crossed up hi speed slides over 60, which is fine for shows but not public traffic hazards... No problem to drive it anywhere as long as like a bagger with floor board foot forward style. It was so quick in lower gears I'd use mere road crown to catch air leaving stop lights [it did not wheelie just smoke or leap, like that daul engine Triumpet smoking rear standing on tail, P!! would only wheelie to level doing that, ie: floating front 2" high, each gear and half way in 4th] so if an elevated hwy side ramp approach could clear 4 ft across 4 lanes twisting forks side to side and waving at drop jawed wide eye'd folks in stopped cars either side to land on down slope almost bottoming then hit torque on the extra tire patch area to leap out of there, flinging the flying fickle finger of fate into Creators face testing the states of being acid and mushrooms in the spirit of the times with LBJ's lottery number ticking closer. So would head out to the woods and quarries, logging cuts and sink hole swimming hang outs. Ya don't need no long ass fork or much frame clearance if power and traction enough to just lift the front over about anything with enough momentum to bash though sod and limbs, as long as keeping the spun in air rear powered up so ya don't land on nose. On return home next to empty lot with nice grass ditch off road grade and steep 6-8ft tall embankment into lot, I'd slow till could nail rear around to leap dead on into this for the Zero G till bottoming then the several G's launching out then the peace full flight time many bike lengths to land securely w/o hitting helmet on bars then kettle drum idle thump back down and into echoing garage. Don't think the Norton desert racers had much frame issues either.
If Frank was right about the isolastic Commandos then Wes and I would of broken down a few each by now. We break spokes and shock rubbers and rear loops and tail light mounts and battery tie downs and signals and tire surfaces plus ignore torque values on most fasteners but doggone frame and stem taking it in stride. We get surprised by hidden lumps or wash out ruts that bottom-compress everything so solid the jar hits sacrum into chest out jaw and skull pushing a grunt sound out. Hope to make my own trails and stunt course for Peel when the taboo side car is on or off. The scope of a Commando doing stuff well is immense to me and my tool of choice bar none.