This has me stumped. I rebuilt a ‘72 Combat engine and used a 2S camshaft. Std. base gasket and ‘flame ring’ head gasket. Using a SnapOn compression gauge I am getting 220# per side. Much too high. The head and barrel are not modified.
This has me stumped. I rebuilt a ‘72 Combat engine and used a 2S camshaft. Std. base gasket and ‘flame ring’ head gasket. Using a SnapOn compression gauge I am getting 220# per side. Much too high. The head and barrel are not modified.
Valve tappet clearance .008” intake .010” exhaust? Cam timing correct? My combat camshaft timing was off by 15 degrees with all the dots lined up per the manual.
Further disclosure: I am using a ‘gapless’ 2 Nd ring. I did put 200 miles on the bike, started, ran and idled fine. Now a confession: I did not do a retorque. Just had not got around to it.
Further disclosure: I am using a ‘gapless’ 2 Nd ring. I did put 200 miles on the bike, started, ran and idled fine. Now a confession: I did not do a retorque. Just had not got around to it.
That would be a normal cranking compression with a gapless ring. No worries. The cylinder pressures will be down to normal at running speeds.
Better get that head retorqued. Jim
Further disclosure: I am using a ‘gapless’ 2 Nd ring. I did put 200 miles on the bike, started, ran and idled fine. Now a confession: I did not do a retorque. Just had not got around to it.
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