Oh, for sure, on the dual carb, I got it. I'd like to have those, but being a cheapskate, I tend to talk myself out of the 'good stuff'. The carb I have on it was in the original $150 basket case and only needed the right jets, a cleaning, and the rebuild kit. I have the twin Monoblocs from an earlier year, and a nice original chrome air filter housing. I'm not the Amals are serviceable or worth fiddling with. They would look cool and cure my mashed-up sock filter bodge though. The slides are tight so the barrels (chambers? I'm not sure of the name for that part of carb) are not perfectly round.
You run stacks and not the conical filters (K&Ns?).
I did check out MAP Cycle and think that's the go. I need to confirm the throttle end is right for mine, which is an Amal. That end's not pictured on their site. I was checking out the Mikunioz one (too much, too far)
here and they have this pic to guide you on the type. I have the one on the left. I don't know what the difference is between them. I'll call MAP Cycle today.