Clutch Sprocket Backplate

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Jul 24, 2003
I have this clutch sprocket I purchased for a spare for my 72 Norton. Being told it would fit a 750/850 and advertised as part #06.2482. The sprocket came with the backplate loose. There are 2 3/32" drilled holes on the backplate (see red arrows) and what appears to be at one time 2 dowel pins on the sprocket side.
Any Forum members could give me some insight on this? Was this an earlier clutch sprocket? Would this work for a 750/850 Commando? Thank you for your replies. Jerry

Clutch Sprocket Backplate
That hub is the same as the one in my 71 750.
There are four blind holes in the hub but only two are used ,the roll pins in the plate pick up two of the holes.
My 74 850 has three I think what must be flanged rivets that are peened on the plate side to secure it (The 750 plate comes out with the roll pins staying in it)

Maybe the roll pins are supposed to stay in the hub and plate drop over them,if the pins failed in use it might make for a lack of forward movement,no wonder they went to rivets.
I can get some pics if needed.
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