Centre Stand Spring Problem

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May 16, 2016
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I have fitted a new cradle and centre stand with the existing spring to my '74 Roadster.

When taking the bike off the centre stand there is a clunking and scraping noise coming from under the bike. On inspection I found the part of the spring that passes through the cradle plate on the drive side is catching on and scraping the top of the centre stand lug above where the pivot bolt goes through.

I think I have the spring mounted the correct way round. The squarish end of the spring goes through the cradle plate and the other end that has a regular "U" turn to the spring goes through the cross member to the centre stand.

See pics below:

Centre Stand Spring Problem

Centre Stand Spring Problem

Centre Stand Spring Problem

It will be seen in the pics above that in the 1st pic the spring end is resting above the centre stand not causing any trouble.
In the 2nd pic the spring end (the sharp piece) is digging into the top of the centre stand above the pivot bolt as the centre stand has mpver part way through it's travel.
In the 3rd pic it shows the spring end jumps over the centre stand when the centre stand is in the down position to support the bike.

The issues I can see might be the spring is in the incorrect position (needs to be reversed).

I could grind the end off the spring end to create the necessary clearance but that might risk the spring coming off while riding with the accompanying danger of side stand dropping down at speed.

I could cut back the top of the centre stand to create clearance for the spring end as it moves around as the bike is put on and off the centre stand. Would removal of metal from the centre stand create any issues, i.e. not enough bearing service when in use.

Comments and advice appreciated. Thanks

Cheers Don
I recently replaced mine, and it was incredibly difficult to get through the hole in the plate. In the end I had to grind off part of the tang in order to get it through, so I'm guessing yours is too long as well.


Untill now I havn't done the Norton stand but T140V's many times and I used to have it unbolted in the up positon with the spring hooked in and then pulled back, slipped the one, I believe right bolt in a bit then pulled it across and began the second bolt. With a bit of movement sideways the bolts could be pushed home.
On another bike I also had the problem with the sidestand spring rubbing on the gearbox and I could only cure it pushing a thick rubber pipe over the coils held with a jubilee clip.
I hope this maybe helps.
Thanks guys for the replies. I will report back when I have completed the modifications.

Cheers don
OK, well it's fixed. Working like a charm now.

The two pics below show how much metal was removed from the LH RGM centre stand to enable the spring to not scrape on the stand in operation any more.

The comparison can be made between the LH and RH side attachment lugs below.

Centre Stand Spring Problem

Centre Stand Spring Problem

The AN centre stand might be a better option which it would seem requires no modification.

Cheers Don
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