so i have the new timing chain on with the camshaft sprocket sitting back, snug on its woodruff key and the intermediate gear mated correctly with 10 roller set up and timing pinion dot sat between the marked tooth - all good. A few things surprised me tho - both the timing pinion nut and the camshaft sprocket nut came off very easy - couldn't have been more than 20Nm. Happy fastening the worm nut back on at 20Nm but not so sure about the camshaft sprocket nut now. Having trawled the net i had figured maybe 40Nm as a compromise but seems to depend on the camshaft spec ?? So is there a definitive torque value for the camshaft nut on the 1973 Mk V roadster (post combat 750) ? Also, the oil pump studs came away with a wavy washer each but i dont see these washers in the parts book - these be replaced with a bit blue locktite instead of the washers ? And finally . . anything i should look out for when turning over by hand and prior to firing up / strobing the boyer ? sheez long post