Cam timing video

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Wanted to say that there is an art to describing these tasks simply and clearly as you have done. Not sure how many of these you have, but if there is a fair amount it would be worth while collecting them in a "youtube" video book of repair. Not trying to set you on a task, but I would buy the dvd. "One picture worth a tgousand words, etc., etc."
For your convenience - All my Norton Vids are here near the bottom under "videos":

The rebuild vids are:
Norton race engine build lower end
Norton race endine build cylinders and lifters
Timesert installation...
Re-angling for big valves
Porting a Full Auto head
Head building
Cam timing
For the more lazy than smart/equipped builders, if head off just shove pistons down to hard stop, to get dead accurate BDC then mark 180' opposite for as fast accurate TDC. If not actually dyno testing cam degree effect, realize the more hot rod Norton parts installed the more sensitive to tiny adjustments payback beyond expectations. Beside the straight forward degree procedures would be helpful to see how keyway cut down done.
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