Best 'modern' innovation to keep Nortons on the road

Well I think everone knows mine by now JOE HUNT Maggies, Featherbed frames and of course Access Norton, thanks Jerry and Les, but I also have a lot more I could list.

I have to vote for modern ignition systems, especially the Tri Spark.

I've done a lot of wrenching and upgrades on my Commandos, but the single upgrade with the biggest influence to overall quality of ownership has been the Tri Spark I put on the 850.

The bike always has started well, but would never idle consistently no matter what I did. Install a Tri Spark and it now idles rock solid at 1,000 RPM.
Thanks for the good words about access norton.

For me its the hydraulic clutch and cNw. Thanks Again Jim / Matt

The biggest thing which keeps old bikes on the road is enthusiasm. I do a few things in attempts to inspire it. For example I've uploaded about 130 old videos about classic bikes to Youtube. My brother has currently got the hump because he considers some of the ones about him, are too revealing. However I am proud about what he does.
Best 'modern' innovation to keep Nortons on the road
Here is something to aspire to. When you can build something as good, you will know you have arrived :

Best 'modern' innovation to keep Nortons on the road