atlas tacho drive oil leaks


Aug 24, 2009
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hi .
finally got my Atlas on the road. Went really well excepting for the 23 gallons of crude oil that ended up on my right boot.
am figuring its coming from the tacho drive. the entire right side of the bike was covered. rockers and everything seemed pretty tight.
i am guessing that i could try an o ring on the end of the cable where the knurled cap screws down on the drive. that may stop it pissing out at the start of the cable. the drive itself had no o ring or gasket where it seats on the timing cover. should there be one there?
any clues?
cheers. hillbone
I do not recall an O ring on the tach cable nut. I will look at mine and report back within 24 hours.

It seems to me the source of that much oil should be readily identified.

Is there any possibility the main oil seal in the timing cover is faulty? Or the cone nipple seal on the oil pump out port? It seems to me there is no way that much oil can be getting out with the normal splash in the timing cover.


PS. If either of these seals are faulty, you should not run the engine as it may be starved for oil.
texasSlick said:
I do not recall an O ring on the tach cable nut. I will look at mine and report back within 24 hours.

It seems to me the source of that much oil should be readily identified.

Is there any possibility the main oil seal in the timing cover is faulty? Or the cone nipple seal on the oil pump out port? It seems to me there is no way that much oil can be getting out with the normal splash in the timing cover.


PS. If either of these seals are faulty, you should not run the engine as it may be starved for oil.

I agree with slick. If the seal isn't tight between the oil pump and the timing cover, you can fill up the timing cover with oil, overpowering the seal at the tach drive. The main way oil drains out of the Atlas timing case is through the main bearing.

The tach drive shouldn't be getting any oil into it from the engine, which is why it should be well-greased.
Im not familiar with your type of tacho cable but, my commando leaked from the base of the cable, so got a drive mount "with a seal" and it still pumped/leaked out so............

I lifted up the clamping nut and fitted a "oring" from my box, above the shoulder so that when the clamping nut screws down it compresses on the oring and Seal the leak... I used thread tape a few times but that did SFA.. .. Just push a "tight" oring over and all will be good ... (but i got a commando type cable) .......