what I do is start by removing the air filter, screw in both idle screws to the bottom (all the way in) and screw out 1 & 1/2 turns (wright down what the original setting was for ref). Make sure you have play in both throttle cables and set the slide height position equal using the throttle stop screws. You can do this with a drill bit a a comparison gauge.
Now here is the important bit...stick a piece of tiewrap in both carbs so that the tiewrap rests against the underside of the slide and pivots on the carb body inlet hole. You have to put a slight bend in the tiewrap to do this..You now have two horizontal sticks poking out of the inlet of your carbs, which if you gently twist the throttle twistgrip on your bars, will move down as the slides move up. These two sticks should start to move at exactly the same time....if they dont then make an adjustment to the cable at the carb top until they do.
Once you have that right, put the filter back on and fire up the bike. Make minor adjustments to each carb throttle stop screw, the one on the body that holds the slide from dropping further, untill you have the idle speed right. (Adjust both carbs the same amount). Now adjust the pilot screw by small amounts in or out until you hear that carb running a bit faster. Once you have that point screw in about 1/8 of a turn.
Can I make one further point....When you pull those amals apart you quite often loose the tapered needle position on its grooves, and end up putting it back in a different groove. The way you describe your lack of accelleration as compared to previous I suspect these needles may need moving 'up', so the clip wants to be in a groove lower down the needle.
Good luck, let us know how you go on.