Alton on a MK2A 850 with full plastic OEM airbox?

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Sep 25, 2004
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Will a Alton starter kit fit a bike that has the factory plastic airbox?
I see no reason at all why it won’t fit, however, having just fitted one myself I removed the plastic air box for 2 reasons. The first, it had been butchered by a previous owner and would have been v expensive, the second reason is that when I tried to fit a new battery it was too long to fit in the tray, by about 1/4 inch.
So my advice would be to be very careful re choice of battery, I fitted the earlier battery tray, runs along, not across the bike.
If you get a battery that fits there should be no problem.
I changed the whole ignition system, from Boyer to Paton. I changed it all, coils, leads, plug caps and plugs!
The main reason for this is the only real issue I could find with the Alton is perhaps a weakness if the motor backfires. I now have a bike that fires as soon as the motor starts spinning. So far without fail. I rode 150 miles on Wednesday, longest for many years, we stopped several times. Switched the motor off every time. All I will say is, brilliant, do it, just. Watch the battery size.
If you do it you will find the timing marks clearly on the rotor, some of the earlier ones didn’t have them!
Getting rid of the possibility of backfires is key to getting the Alton to last, the Alton designed fudge to protect it from backfires are some nylon pucks that shear and then no electric starter until you fit new pucks. So as Boyer MK3's overadvance at low voltages you either upgrade to a MK4 Boyer or a Pazon which work at lower voltages.
I wouldn't expect a problem in finding a battery that would fit in the MK2A transverse battery tray, and have enough output for an Alton starter …?
There isn’t a problem, my point is that you need to be careful. On paper the one I bought fitted, in reality it didn’t! It was that close!
I put in the CNW kit and it is so nice. With the weakness of the Alton, the CNW kit is a no brainer.
Plus Matt is great for support.
Except, as Matt knows and I've said before, it forces you to junk the original plastic airbox. If Matt ever decides to come up with a kit that doesn't do that, i.e. uses pretty much the same location as the original MK3 starter, as Alton's does – and if I could afford it – I'd be in the market. I already love the fact that these kits allow you to keep the single-fixing primary cover for the MK2A and earlier …
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I know the arguments for and against both starters but bear in mind the Alton is beautifully engineered. It is v discreet as it fits roughly the same as the mk3 starter.
My only thought is that if there is a weakness of the Alton it’s if the motors not set up right. From the research I’ve done Alton have improved this, get the motor right and it’s a win win all round.
As any owner knows, if the motor backfires when kickstarting it can cause injury, however young and fit you are.
I recall in the 70’s breaking a finger on a 650 BSA as it backfired and trapped my finger on the bar with my knee!
With the weakness of the Alton, the CNW kit is a no brainer.

I have had my Alton for six years now with perfect starts and no issues of any kind.
But I would very much like to know what the weaknesses are of the Alton, thanks for your reply!
With the weakness of the Alton, the CNW kit is a no brainer.

I have had my Alton for six years now with perfect starts and no issues of any kind.
But I would very much like to know what the weaknesses are of the Alton, thanks for your reply!
The CNW starter will not allow the fitment of the original plastic air cleaner, so it is not an option. (unless I am wrong? )
The CNW starter will not allow the fitment of the original plastic air cleaner, so it is not an option. (unless I am wrong? )
Or the metal 'ham can'. I think they suggest the K&N setup. There is/was a western Australia firm making a smaller ham can that worked with the CNW starter, but I've lost their website info.
Will a Alton starter kit fit a bike that has the factory plastic airbox?
I have a Mk2A myself and asked Matt about putting one of his starters on it and with his they won't fit and that I would have to remove the airbox to install it. Don't have any idea about the Alton units but I bet it would be tight.

John in Texas
The Alton is no more physically intrusive that the factory MkIII starter so i expect no issue with the plastic airbox. There is an article on the Alton site showing installation with a full ham cam.
I agree the cNw starter is technically superior but for most of us the Alton is more than adequate. Great to have the choice.
The "weakness" is that the shear pins weren't always up to scratch in earlier ones but that seems to be in the past.
6 years without an issue suggests you should continue to enjoy riding and not waste any time worrying. :)
I have also have had the Alton for many years and think it’s excellent. The fact that the CNW system can’t be used with the OEM air box would still make me select the Alton if deciding between the two. At the time I purchased the Alton, the CNW did not exist but,as noted, I would have selected the Alton anyway.
How do i identify the latest alton starter kit with all updates { are they numbered for example}
They are numbered, but the updates have been around for some time - anything on the market will be up to date.
They are numbered, but the updates have been around for some time - anything on the market will be up to date.

Yep, if you order one, it will have the latest parts. The Alton "factory" is in a small house with 3 employees. It's not like they make so many kits that versions from 5 years ago are sitting on shelves unsold.
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