A friend has BSA A50 motor in his shop for a top end rebuild. None of the timing marks on the intermediate gear line up with the marks on the cam or the crank. How is the cam timing set on these motors ?
Thanks Les, Seems odd to make timing marks that don't line up. The intermediate gear has a third 'timing' mark 12 teeth from the crankshaft mark and 14 from the camshaft mark (IIRC). Any idea what that doesn't line up with...
The intermediate gear has a third 'timing' mark 12 teeth from the crankshaft mark and 14 from the camshaft mark (IIRC). Any idea what that doesn't line up with...
There's no mention of any other mark that I can find?
Pictures show the marks are 22 teeth apart each way (crank 22T, Idler 44T, cam 44T) so perhaps recheck the 12-14 tooth count?
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