Hi I'm Gary and I'm a Nortohaulic.

It's been 40 years since my last Commando but I just fell off the wagon. Purchase was more emotional than logical and with a bit of legerdemain on the seller's part I
should have walked away, but NO. Hauled it home.
It had been in one family since 1985, lived on a small island, got little regular exercise, the clock shows 13,900 miles 300 of those since a motor overhaul in 2016 bore, pistons etc. Bike came with 15 years of records, receipts, been through those once quickly. It readily started and ran through the gears a mile up n down the rural road. Forgive me if the PO is here, he was more of a romantic than a mechanic, most work had been performed by shops, located a ferry ride and 100+ miles away. Have other bikes, don't NEED to ride right this right away but, well you know...
So hoping to share and gain insight from the fold on how to proceed. Let's say it's been living in benign neglect. Somewhat tatty, a ten footer, would be a fitting description.
Got a photocopy workshop manual with the bike. Will set valves. Put the camera in the holes. Try to get through a basic wake up maintenance.
Any help, suggestions, and even you maroon! comments welcome.
Will need to determine if it has combat spec parts. Heard rumors of a C mark on the head somewhere? Can cam lift be checked at the lifter?
Currently compression is 130, 145 after about 5-6 kicks throttle open with a gauge I know and trust. A glam shot with one of my Xs650s.