EXCUSE the DIGRESSION , but , while we're there . Brother thought this was marvelous . Ringle ding ding *
Marvelous Swindle . F -750 mutiny . INTERNATIONAL . F I M had Banned them as INELIGABLE for F-750 . Production BASED . Main Engine Castings - Manufactuerers Street Equiped 200 off Homlogation .
but all the silly riders had bought them cause they were FASTEST . Then the A.M.A. had a relapse & let the forign RACE bikes in the A.M.A. F-750 Intl. races . Leaving the F.I.M. ( and ALL the 4 strokes )
to the wolves . Another great racing class perveted .
Anyone seen the D.O.H.C. 12 valve ( 4 per pot ) T150 head pictures . It Did Exist . ANYWAY , rather than having showrooms full of P.r. 5 speed Knortons , they Had This .
which in comparison is the Wholsley Version of the Morris .
Hindsight Indeed , But ANYTHING , why drop the PII ( Vibes ) why not a Domiracer SS road twin ( they GAVE the COMP. Dept. Away ! Thats Why ! )
or indeed Factory Trained Servicemen FOR the P.R.s and a flagship P.R. in Every Showroom . So Difficult to trasmitt in polite English . In less than 300 Words .
Hop on Ebay & see the Magazines and the cheap tiny Jap Trash that was round . the GS 750 was the first Jap Tripe that mightve steered . Maybe . With 12 yards of suspension travel , and Chassis Member
Dimenisions approaching a Rickman or Seely . Or a Domi ! .
Commando Motors made by Villiers in the J.A.P. Factory . A misogonous hodge podge . Unfortunately . Under Duress . in more ways than one .
Was only the diehards riding British by 1980 . &0s I met a Young Guy whod Traded his Honda on a 750 Co Op Boonie ( They Dindt have THAT bad a name . EVERYTHING was Anaylised . Most were Dubious in particular respects . " A Car Pulled Out ( in front of him ) and sweved up over the kerb , over the grass , over the corner , and back on the Road ( Young Guy , second Bike ) ' The Honda Wouldnt have done that '
( Saved his neck.) under duress "
So there we are , Sour Grapes . Or industrial Espionage on a grande scale . Or just share market racketeers, blindsightednass apathy and indifferance . A GOLD plated DAIMLER was Superb Marketing Publicity .
( Mk II 250 ) AND It Was HIS Gold ! ( Showed of the lines and workmanship Superbly . Whineing Snots . There ya go .