dfndr said:
Are the fasteners on this bike Whitworth or what?
Many people outside the UK tend to think of all "British Standard" fasteners as being "Whitworth" (BSW) when, in fact, many of them are not Whitworth at all.
There are in fact, very few Whitworth (BSW) fasteners on a MkIII Commando, as the factory had mostly changed BSW to Unified coarse (UNC) threads for 1972.
UNF was already in common use, but certain Cycle (BSC) threads were also changed over to UNF at that time,
but they kept the Whitworth hexagon sizes so various fasteners kept the Whitworth/BSF size hexagons, such as the head bolts and smaller base nuts, even though they were no longer British Standard threads.
However...there are many different threads used on Commandos, including the MkIII, such as:
Below are all the known thread types, with some application examples for the '72-on models:
UNEF = extra fine threads
UNF = many nuts & bolts, caliper bolts, hydraulic brake fittings
UNC = many threads into alloy -but not all
BSW = some odd fasteners
BSF = some threads into alloy
BA = carb screws & electrical component screws
BSC/BSCy (CEI) = carb banjos, rear head nut and stud (nut end), rocker spindle extractor thread
ME = carb cable adjusters
BSP = fuel taps/petcocks
The spark plug threads and spin-on filter threads are metric.
So a pitch gauge and caliper are useful items for identifying the many different threads.
There is a website that identifies many Norton fastener sizes and tpi/thread types by part number: