1937 600cc Panther Sloper

Did the local paper at the time manage any photographs of the fire-fighting incident ? The idea of a girl on the back in her underwear shouting 'Faster ! Faster !' certainly sets my imagination going ! :)
Fabulous restoration but I think you technical info in the first post was incorrect at 30 M.P.H it was every other lamp post and at 50 it was every lamp post :D
I have a hand book for this model I will be listing it on Ebay in the next week or so, when I was a youngster at college I had an original 1955 R.E bullet and used to go into Jollys of Lewisham in S.E London they were Panther dealers and had a whole basement full of stuff.
79 x 100, never thought of that, mmmm... the legend of my Panther just gets better and better!
Thanks for chimming in too not-ron, I suppose its a matter of how far apart the lamp post are? One old Panther owner told me how he could mono his bike for miles, he went on to say they were a well balanced bike. Judging by the elongated stretched gearbox mounts on mine, the previous owners must have tried this aswell!
Let me know when you list the hand book as I might be interested in it.
Depends entirely on the speed limit the higher the limit the greater the distance but hey who's got the time or the incination..? :P
Ah Foxy, so you've got the 1930s bike but you've never watched 'The Thirty-nine Steps' and imagined being chained to a bed with Madelaine Carroll in silk stockings ? Perhaps my interest in period lingerie is not entirely healthy ?

1937 600cc Panther Sloper

Shot at 2009-01-04
Im not familiar with the movie nor the actress Madeliane Carrol, am I missing out on something?
I must admit to having a pashion for old motorbikes and women in lingerie (not neccessary in that order),they can make one pulsate like a sock full of grasshoppers!! :mrgreen:
Slopers are cool. Ya gotta love the dual exhaust port and that loooong wheelbase. I imagine it would be a great touring bike and easy on the fuel too.
Gday xbacksideslider, yes the Panther is a lovely bike to cruise lazily around the country side on. The Panther is a low bike, 26 inches to top of seat, with a low centre of gravity, the weighty flywheels spinning give a very noticable gyroscopic effect when cornering which adds to its persona.It weighs in at 390 lbs so is weighty, but stable on the road. I have'nt tested it for fuel consumption but have noticed that its very good. The manual states that a solo version gives around 100 mpg and side car 60 mpg. Max speed is 85 solo and 65 respectively. Ive had my Panther up to 80 mph and that was fast enough for me, its a bit like racing grand dad so I didnt want him to pull a heart/muscle!
Foxy said:
Gday xbacksideslider, yes the Panther is a lovely bike to cruise lazily around the country side on. The Panther is a low bike, 26 inches to top of seat, with a low centre of gravity, the weighty flywheels spinning give a very noticable gyroscopic effect when cornering which adds to its persona.It weighs in at 390 lbs so is weighty, but stable on the road. I have'nt tested it for fuel consumption but have noticed that its very good. The manual states that a solo version gives around 100 mpg and side car 60 mpg. Max speed is 85 solo and 65 respectively. Ive had my Panther up to 80 mph and that was fast enough for me, its a bit like racing grand dad so I didnt want him to pull a heart/muscle!

Stop it you are making me more jealous than I already am.
Gday Graeme,
thanks for posting the Panther on ebay. Its been run and won now with it fetching $13,255 Australian, I would have dearly loved it but have too many other projects on the go that need attening to.
From what information I can gather on the bike, its a 1929 600 cc model 85 "Redwing",the first of with the tear drop tank, very rare in this part of the world and Im guessing not to many in existance else where. Its the first Ive seen of that model and a long time since any Panther was up for grabs.
A good book on Panthers is "THE STORY OF PANTHER MOTORCYCLES" written by Barr M. Jones, ISBN 0-85059-652-1
Its a good read and full of the manufacturing dates , models, color schemes etc etc.
Gino, thanks for the heads up on the movie, I do intend to buy it for a nostalgic look! might be in my christmas stocking, cripes coming up that time of the year again?!
Cheers Foxy