Heat build-up in a limiting factor with four-strokes, but aluminium barrels with methanol fuel is probably not a good idea. You might start breaking pistons due to piston-slap, if you cannot get the motor warm enough before racing. With four-strokes, how many modern engines can run petrol at above 12 to 1 comp. without getting problems with detonation ? A Commando has squish - that might help stop detonation through better mixing, but the combustion chamber is not like the ones that have four valves. The 500cc Paton twin is probably on the limit.
P.S. methanol burns SLOWER than petrol in motors - that is what anti-knock is about, and with methanol you have unlimited anti-knock - it does not detonate, you usually get the seizure first in two-strokes. To get it to detonate in a two-stroke, you usually need a defective ignition system.
Methanol is a far superior race fuel than petrol. It works through latent heat of vaporisation which freezes the incoming charge, so the air density is greater needing more fuel to get the mixture right. Methanol has a lower calorific value than petrol, but you use almost twice as much of it - so you get more power. In a race on the IOM, you would probably have to refuel 3 or 4 times.