So when I bought this bike back last April the seller told me it was an ex race bike and had a speedway crank..... so move forward to the bike rebuild and the engine had always had a bit of a habit with smoking so it seemed a good idea to get it checked out enter stage left Andy Savage , several months went buy till my engine reached the top of the
list bit later than expected but no worries. I had been in touch a few times and we had hatched a bit of a plan without knowing what lurked I found a GP2 carb and my Mag was to be sent off for a check and refurb as required we also discussed the float bowl and went with a SU top and a machined bowl.
Later that week I get a phone call that the engine is stripped and wow yes a special crank, aluminium conrod, lightened valve gear, ported head Andy was well impressed by the quality of the parts used and the standard of workmanship - so I was a happy camper. The offending smoke problem looked to have been the piston which was a 2 ring without an oil control ring possibly JAP in origin.
This will now be replaced with a Forged Manx oversized to match the 80mm bore. The crank is currently being balances to match the new piston then built back up with a bore hone and some other tweaks, hoping to pick this up early March so getting excited....