Donald Trump? Stranger thing have happened in the USA..

Fast Eddie said:
I do not believe there are enough people in the USA stupid enough to allow Trump into the WH.quote]

Apparently you, and I were wrong.

“No one in this world, so far as I know — and I have searched the records for years, and employed agents to help me — has ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the great masses of the plain people. Nor has anyone ever lost public office thereby.” H.L. Mencken
The Electoral College (is it ?) still have to approve him as President elect.
This is seen as some sort of safeguard.

Not exactly a mainstream Republican, is he.
So the ink isn't dry on this yet ?

Be bizarre if he doesn't get approval though, what with his administration well on the way to being selected.
The rest of the world is watching, fascinated, as policy goes into full steam astern ?!!?
johnod said:
Fast Eddie said:
I do not believe there are enough people in the USA stupid enough to allow Trump into the WH.quote]

Apparently you, and I were wrong.

Apparently so. I was very vocal about it in my social and work circles too. So you're not the first to point this out to me!
Frank Zappa once theorized that if the dark matter scientists use to balance their universal equations were ever quantified, it would turn out to be stupidity, since there's no end to it.
Frank Zappa once theorized that if the dark matter scientists use to balance their universal equations were ever quantified, it would turn out to be stupidity, since there's no end to it.
Is funny how we were taught the Soviet Union (and now Russia) was our enemy since the end of WW II, but now we will have a President (and a Secretary of State) who says we need to be friendly to them and has virtually accepted their help getting elected.
When the GFC happened, it was due to lack of control caused by neoliberalism. It brought with it a major paradigm shift which means 'the rules' have changed. What was the norm pre-GFC is no longer the norm. In Australia we have a major problem in that our government is almost in denial about the effects of the GFC. Their economic measures are still pre-GFC, they don't recognise the change. During the 30s depression Roosevelt introduced the 'New Deal'. Perhaps we are almost there again ?
Roosevelt was a Democrat.
The tables have really turned when a 'Republican' is espousing such views.

And a billionaire* pushing a barrow for the downtrodden ??
(*even if he doesn't pay taxes)
This world is getting wacky....
Is Donald Trump left-wing or right-wing ? He is certainly a nationalist and appears to be a socialist. Historically right-wing socialists have been as least as bad as left-wing socialists.
Rohan - wacky is NOT the correct word - dangerous is closer to the truth.
I read, somewhere, that the bribe ratio for green subsidies was 10%.

That is Solyndra supposedly paid $50,000,000 in "contributions" to get $500,000,000 in loan guaranty/subsidy. ... a-backers/

" . . . . In the 1705 government-backed-loan program [alone], for example, $16.4 billion of the $20.5 billion in loans granted as of Sept. 15 went to companies either run by or primarily owned by Obama financial backers—individuals who were bundlers, members of Obama’s National Finance Committee, or large donors to the Democratic Party. The grant and guaranteed-loan recipients were early backers of Obama before he ran for president, people who continued to give to his campaigns and exclusively to the Democratic Party in the years leading up to 2008. Their political largesse is probably the best investment they ever made in alternative energy. It brought them returns many times over.

…The Government Accountability Office has been highly critical of the way guaranteed loans and grants were doled out by the Department of Energy, complaining that the process appears “arbitrary” and lacks transparency. In March 2011, for example, the GAO examined the first 18 loans that were approved and found that none were properly documented. It also noted that officials “did not always record the results of analysis” of these applications. A loan program for electric cars, for example, “lacks performance measures.” No notes were kept during the review process, so it is difficult to determine how loan decisions were made. The GAO further declared that the Department of Energy “had treated applicants inconsistently in the application review process, favoring some applicants and disadvantaging others.” The Department of Energy’s inspector general, Gregory Friedman, … has testified that contracts have been steered to “friends and family.”

…These programs might be the greatest—and most expensive—example of crony capitalism in American history. Tens of billions of dollars went to firms controlled or owned by fundraisers, bundlers, and political allies, many of whom—surprise!—are now raising money for Obama again . . . ."
You guys need to look at the arms industry for real democracy err republicanism in action...

Didn't someones' Co sell "weapons of mass destruction" to Chemical Ali, encourage him to use them,
then go to war to get back the oil that had been nationalised ...

Thats going to take some beating, on a scale of 1 to 10. !
Agreed, defense contracting is corrupt as can be too.

Let's not evade corruption in the green space. OK?
Grants, research money - any kickback loops there?
If not money, how about grants that are targeted to buy ideological or "scientific support" for some agenda?
Does that ever happen?
Do politicians that appropriate such grants have agendas?
Do the bureaucrats they hire have agendas?
Do scientists have agendas?
Do scientists take hints from their grant providers?
Are all public servants unbiased and pure as snow?

Get real.
Corruption and greed has NOTHING to do with the climate science though, has it.
Killing the messenger seems to be a popular pastime these days....

And, did we see that reporters who covered the inauguration protests were going to be prosecuted (?!).
And, National Parks have been silenced from tweeting climate statistics, we see.
The USA, rapidly heading to be like more like North Korea than North Korea. ?

Donald Trump? Stranger thing have happened in the USA..
Climate change - over THOUSANDS of years with cyclical ice ages - has been credited with a lot of things.
There is still a lot of research going on as to whether mankind was EATING/interacting with those megafauna though !, thats still far from an open and shut case.

And, the current rate of atmospheric change is spearing upwards, over a few short decades really.
Lookat that rate of CO2/methane increase.
At a rate like nothing ever seen in the past - except with major volcanic intervention.

Donald Trump? Stranger thing have happened in the USA..
looking at this graph say what you want but i still dont buy it. .5C in 90 years and it had a cold dip around 1915 a high @1945 of .3 a drop around around 1970 to .15 and a peak of .5 at 1990. again 90 year sample is a few minutes in relation to the age of the planet and still a .5c rise is IMHO minute when you look at the extreams over the ages. also NASA shows a NET gain in polar ice at the south pole. ... bution.png
Where did he get his data to construct those graphs though ?? ??
And who made the decisions on those outcomes ?? ?? ??

And, data that averages across the whole earth is near meaningless, as he should have stated. !!
"with my head in the oven and feet in the freezer, on average I feel fine".
If you take individual geographic points, they indicate the weather is getting more extreme.

The water temps around the North and South Poles have risen by several degrees in the past few decades alone,
and even though the sea ice may be getting slightly larger in area, it is also getting thinner. (?)
To the point where the Nth Polar region had temps 30 degrees above average (!!) this past year, and the ice was awful sparse in summertime. IF that repeats in future years, thungs is gittin mean up there.

There is also the minor matter that the climate folks have no real idea of what the lead time to
climate change is. If we burn a planet load of fossil fuel today, will the climate change tomorrow.
Or is it a S-L-O-W progression, that might take say 2 or 5 or 10 or 20 or 100 years for the increase in energy being fed into the climate systems to show up in category 6 or 7 or even cat 8 storms, and polar ice caps melting, and weather systems changing in patterns or moving to different lattitudes ??

Climate is very much a complicated unknown, and this is a huge experiment we are doing.
With every indication we are gambling with the futures future, big time....