Donald Trump? Stranger thing have happened in the USA..

I suggest there must be a lot of ego involved and egos must be fed. In Australia, we have Pauline Hanson who is a redneck simpleton. Yet she is up in front spouting her absolute rubbish, blithely unaware of anything more technically advanced than fish and chips. - 'And don't the kiddies love her ?'. I always thought Americans were smarter than Australians, however Trump is just another one and he has got a following.
We're looking into if we can move around a bit and not lose our Foreign Resident status, if tRump wins. After living in the US for almost 50 years, I'd be very reluctant to lose the privilege. We feel very settled in our present location. Since we're only about 75 road miles from the greater Vancouver area (BC), it looks appealing and we'd like to rent out our present house and rent something around White Rock until the Dumald gets himself impeached - shouldn't take more than a few months!

Hope he loses big time so we don't have to move.
frankdamp said:
We're looking into if we can move around a bit and not lose our Foreign Resident status, if tRump wins. After living in the US for almost 50 years, I'd be very reluctant to lose the privilege. We feel very settled in our present location. Since we're only about 75 road miles from the greater Vancouver area (BC), it looks appealing and we'd like to rent out our present house and rent something around White Rock until the Dumald gets himself impeached - shouldn't take more than a few months!

Hope he loses big time so we don't have to move.

That sort of bullshit will only be the tip of the iceberg if he actually does get elected.
I watched the debate between Trump and Clinton. I suggest you guys in America should think long and hard about 'the cult of the individual' and the role of ALTRUISM. Risk can be expressed in terms of likelihood and potential consequences. - Not looking good for the human species and the planet ?
Politics aside, the debate showed how rude and immature Trump is, interrupting his opponent more than 3 times as often as she did him.

When he introduced his running mate, they sat in golden chairs at the top of a golden tower with TRUMP emblazoned in golden letters. The Donald wouldn't let Pence get a word in edgwise, either, constantly interrupting and speaking for his #2.

If we were electing a Fuhrer, he would be a perfct candidate.
Today the media asked Trump the same question that stumped the clueless Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Trumps' answer wasn't much better.

"Who is your favorite foreign leader?" Johnson: Um, ah, well, followed by more stammering as he realized he couldn't name one.

Trump: "Angela Merkel" and then proceeds to elaborate on what a terrible job she's done running Germany. He obviously misconstrued the question, or was trying not to remind everyone of his bromance with Putin. In the past, he has referred to Hilary as "The Angela Merkel of America" But Angie's still his fave.
Today the media asked Trump the same question that stumped the clueless Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Trumps' answer wasn't much better.

"Who is your favorite foreign leader?" Johnson: Um, ah, well, followed by more stammering as he realized he couldn't name one.

Trump: "Angela Merkel" and then proceeds to elaborate on what a terrible job she's done running Germany. He obviously misconstrued the question, or was trying not to remind everyone of his bromance with Putin. In the past, he has referred to Hilary as "The Angela Merkel of America" But Angie's still his fave.
Today the media asked Trump the same question that stumped the clueless Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson and Trumps' answer wasn't much better.

"Who is your favorite foreign leader?" Johnson: Um, ah, well, followed by more stammering as he realized he couldn't name one.

Trump: "Angela Merkel" and then proceeds to elaborate on what a terrible job she's done running Germany. He obviously misconstrued the question, or was trying not to remind everyone of his bromance with Putin. In the past, he has referred to Hilary as "The Angela Merkel of America" But Angie's still his fave.
cjandme said: guys think that we would be better off with Hillary at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. :shock:

that sir, is a no-brainer!

I will hold my nose with one hand and pull the lever for clinton with the other. In my book, she's a pro-choice republican, while I'm a card carrying tax and spend liberal
You can place whatever labels on anyone you want, but if you look at the facts, Republicans spend more than Democrats, they just blow money on different things. And for the last 40-some-odd years, Republican spending has been about the military. So if you believe that's about spreading democracy and nation-building, you're a Republican. If you'd rather spend money on ALL US citizens, their health and well-being and the infrastructure that enables everyone to live and get around, you're a Democrat. Not saying it's always done the best way. James Carville said Democats do the right things but they do them the wrong way and Republicans do the wrong things but they do them the right way. I say the Republican Party has no heart and the Democratic party has no balls. Give me a Republican with a heart or a Democrat with balls and you've got a decent public servant. In our current election, who would disagree that Hilary has more balls than The Donald has heart?