Maggie Thatcher and Ronnie Reagan

Jun 30, 2012
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Ronnie Reagan was simply an actor playing a part. However Maggie Thatcher was an industrial chemist. She would have known about reactions which are not reversible. The Brexit mess is Maggie Thatcher's mess. When you fry an egg, you cannot un-fry it. Who better to try and reverse the neoliberal globalised free market economy and suffer the consequences, than the conservatives who created the situation ?
I have been reading the memoirs of Kerry O'Brien, who is a journalist who worked for the ABC and several politicians. What he says about Maggie Thatcher is very interesting. Apparently she was extremely arrogant and almost regal. However I don't believe she would ever have acted irresponsibly. Her neoliberal politics were probably very well thought-out. As a scientist, it is always necessary to be very careful when working with something which might be irreversible. I do not like neoliberalism and I have never voted conservative, however I recognise that some things are what they are and cannot be changed. Brexit is a poisoned chalice. - The law of unintended consequences says that 'everything happens for the best'.
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Ronnie Reagan was simply an actor playing a part. However Maggie Thatcher was an industrial chemist. She would have known about reactions which are not reversible. The Brexit mess is Maggie Thatcher's mess. When you fry an egg, you cannot un-fry it. Who better to try and reverse the neoliberal globalised free market economy and suffer the consequences, than the conservatives who created the situation ?
I didn't like Thatcher , but how do u explain that the Brexit mess is Thatchers mess when it wasn't her who took the UK into the as it was then the European Common Market and not her who had a referendum to take us out of the EU? Your statement is both Arrogant and unsubstantiated twaddle.
The law of unintended consequences says that 'everything happens for the best'.

This is in no regard to Thatcher, Reagan, or Brexit.

You Aussies do everything backwards!

Over here, the Law of unintended consequences says that 'everything goes to crap.'

In Oz, you drive on the wrong side of the road, the bathtub vortex goes down the drain backwards, and Santa Claus comes in the summer.

Only in the time zone, are you 'frontwards'


Alan, you also taught me that Aussies run their universe backwards, with entropy inexorably marching to a minima, rather than a maxima, as it does here. Perhaps this explains why you end up with the best, and we with crap!


I am pulling my tongue out of cheek now ......
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The American take on entropy is about God. God created order when he created the universe. In Australia, we believe that order exists when everything is in it ground state. To create trees and buildings and motorcycles requires energy. Perhaps God delivered energy in the form of nuclear power ?

As I understand it, Maggie Thatcher's conservative ideology promoted Hayek's neoliberalism. It is what the conservatives are about in Australia - all based upon the individual - no such thing as society. In a way the argument might be correct. It usually takes an individual to stand-up and lead by creating a business. But a team is always more effective than an individual. One of the most fundamental Australian values is collectivism. That might be the reason were are now stuffed, but more effective when fighting wars.
Brexit is Thatchers doing!?

Strange things get posted on the internet.

I once read someone blaming Thatcher for the rise of the IRA and for Bloody Sunday!

I’m surprised we don’t blame her for slavery and the fall of the Roman Empire.

F***ing nonesense.
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I don't know much about Thatcher, but I know Reagan. As President of the Screen Actor's Guild, he was a liberal and a Democrat. As his B-movie career circled the drain, he fell under the spell of Jack Welch, CEO of General Electric, who sponsored Reagan's last gasp as an admitted performer. Soon the liberal Democrat was a conservative, supply-side Republican. His Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, was the first right-winger to postulate that if he didn't believe it, it just couldn't be so, and facts be damned. Sound familiar?
Jack Welch's philosophy of business and the economy was summed up in one quote; "Corporations should be based on barges and towed from port-to-port depending on the lowest taxes and the most lax regulation." or something to that effect.
They all started the trend of letting the wealthy hide, shield and tax-shelter their ill-gotten gains. Now we have a huckster President who admires dictators and is likely in Putin's hip pocket for all he owes the Russians who bailed him out of a looming 8 BILLION dollar bankruptcy. Money sure talks loud while everything else is diminished, including The Constitution.
Reagan was also the architect of the fall of guaranteed-benefit pensions and the rise of common folk having their retirement in risky stock market adventures with little professional scrutiny and next to zero accountability. When you lose your ass in a pension, somebody goes to jail and the PBGC decides what leftover crumbs you get. When you lose your ass in a 401K, you just lose your ass.
As Reagan's senility set in, Nancy Reagan was the de-facto Chief of Staff, shielding Ronny from the prying eyes of the press and scheduling and screening his appointments via her astrologer. We didn't need him as President by that time because the oligarchs were quietly taking over the world and making cumbersome democracy obsolete.
I find it curious that liberals find corruption in conservatives, and conservatives find it everywhere.

Most politicians drink from the same trough, and have their fingers in the same money pies. Only the naive, think one side will stop it.

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I know it sounds lame , especially to the more educated on here , but ... the bad old days were way more fun and care free ! ..... maybe cause I was younger , still seems more to it than just my age
Bernard - at least one other person shares my opinion :
There is an old saying - 'you cannot be a little bit pregnant' and we are all now oretty much stuffed. Collectivism is a most fundamental Australian value and a team is always more effective than an individual. Neoliberalism is a rejection of keynesianism and collectivism -

I don’t give a flying toss if one and only one, other soul in the whole universe agrees with you, the fact remains that on page 1 you came up with the information that it was Thatcher’s mess when Baroness Thatcher died on 8 April 2013, at the age of 87 a full 3 years before David Cameron took the country to a referendum to leave the E.U. In 2016.

Now you are attempting to change the subject to Neoliberalism and all its ilk’s !

BTY you can’t even get to spell my name right – Yes I’m Fooking Hard!
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Perhaps if Margaret Thatcher was the major political proponent of neoliberalism in the 1970s, she must bear some responsibility for the Global Financial Crisis - 'THE ZOMBIE WALKS' ? What are the majority of Brits complaining about that would make them vote for Brexit ? After Thatcher, they should all be having a lovely time. In Australia, the conservatives are still acting as though the GFC did not happen and as though Rudd's stimulus was un-necessary. They call the aftermath of the GFC 'Labor's mess'. Our Australian economy has been stuffed since October 2008. - All due to a failure of neoliberalism.
WE are now reaching crisis point - the LNP lies are coming home to roost.
Bugger ! Too old to emigrate to the land of milk n honey then ! I'll have to put up with warm beer n Marmite. We all suffer for a country we call our own. Then constantly moan about it. On a very lighter note! Hope it cools down in Oz, us Pommies are cold and very wet. Not a chance of drought by any political party.
Dodgy wood, I was told. Up the mighty CFC is his whatsapp profile. Ok let's compromise. Twisted. At least it's not leaning to the left !
More like unseasoned oak, any wood will twist but you'll know this if you was a carpenter.
Bugger ! Too old to emigrate to the land of milk n honey then ! I'll have to put up with warm beer n Marmite. We all suffer for a country we call our own. Then constantly moan about it. On a very lighter note! Hope it cools down in Oz, us Pommies are cold and very wet. Not a chance of drought by any political party.

When the 'ten pond Poms' came to Australia in the 50s, they were known as 'Whinging Poms' and many became union reps. If you come to Australia, it might be a step backwards to your future. My friend is a Ex-pat Pom - he loves it here, even though he told me he is communist. He just recognises our politicians are a dumb as dog-shit and gets on with life. Sadly he is currently dying from cancer. I think a major difference between the UK and Australia is the Poms are much better educated and much more politically aware. We are much more apathetic and we don't like feeling inferior.
I don’t give a flying toss if one and only one, other soul in the whole universe agrees with you, the fact remains that on page 1 you came up with the information that it was Thatcher’s mess when Baroness Thatcher died on 8 April 2013, at the age of 87 a full 3 years before David Cameron took the country to a referendum to leave the E.U. In 2016.

Now you are attempting to change the subject to Neoliberalism and all its ilk’s !

BTY you can’t even get to spell my name right – Yes I’m Fooking Hard!

Know Im going to regret this but on this one Im going to partially agree with Acotrol.

I lived in Scotland in the early 80s and saw Thatchers UK first hand. She stayed in power by using first past the post voting to keep just enough seats while destroying the lives of others and much of British industry at the same time. Yes the unions where also comitting finacial suicide and the British class system was doing its best to divide and confuse as well.

Much of the north of England Scotland and Wales have still never recovered and many have decended into a blame culture ever since. Anti imigration and anti London - easy prey for the fast talking blame Europe politicians like Johnson. These were the people who voted for Brexit.

Strangely enough I also lived in Romania in 2014 to 17. If you talk with many Brits they see Romania and similar countries as destroying their way of life. Now Romania has its own issues and in my opinion the best thing that could happen there is everyone over the age of 40 should stay home and let the young ones run the place, but I tell you the young Romanians I worked with have got way more drive and way more get up and go than 90% of those people I have met from the north of England. Honestly rather than your problem they are your solution if you want to get things going.

I worked with a young woman who is now doing her PhD in geophysics in Durham university. And she also looks like a young Audrey Hepburn !!!! Why on earth would the UK not want people like her working in their economy.

Thatcher, the unions and the English class system have almost destroyed British industry. If you want a change and to boot things into life then you need Europe. Especially eastern europe with growing markets and economies.
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