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Jan 3, 2008
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At last we've had a prolonged period of warmth, took this tonight looking over at The Forth Rail bridge and thought I'd share it with you guys!
beautiful! I'm in awe of some of you guy's surroundings. Yesterday it was 99 here, almost miserable for more than a couple minutes outside
Great picture! Sharp bikes.

Are they getting that bridge painted?!!

"It's like painting the Forth Bridge this bike sometimes!" -mcmarvelous (May 21, 2009 post on this site)

Nice photo and bikes! Thanks for sharing.

Good riding weather here this weekend too.

pelican said:
beautiful! I'm in awe of some of you guy's surroundings. Yesterday it was 99 here, almost miserable for more than a couple minutes outside

We're still waiting for summer to start here in the UK!

Gino certainly must have had better weather "up Scotland way" over the weekend than we had "down south".
The world needs a new simile for "a never ending job". It used to be that the paint job on the Forth Bridge took so long, they had to start over at the beginning by the time they got to the end. This was because of the marginal anti-corrosion quality of the paints availble a few years ago.

I read a story not too long ago in the Daily Telegraph that the last paint job was done with a modern two-part epoxy paint which is supposed to be good for 20 years or more.
Restoration is well underway with a epoxy based finish

In 1996 Railtrack (now Network Rail), at the request of the Health & Safety executive, began a structural and maintenance assessment of the structure. The result of this was the £40m refurbishment package which began in 1998; this comprised steelwork repairs, surface coating, access improvements and an upgrade of the floodlighting. The contractor undertaking this work left site in 2002 due to financial problems. Balfour Beatty Civil Engineering gained the maintenance contract in 2002 (£10M per annum until March 2009). The coating system employed for the steelwork requires blast cleaning to bare metal; an application of zinc based primer to prevent corrosion (35 microns); a glass flake epoxy intermediate coat providing a barrier (400 microns); and, a polyurethane gloss top coat to give an attractive “Forth Bridge Red” finish (35 microns) on all of its estimated 400,000m². This system which has been tried and tested in an offshore environment is designed to give a 20­year life which means the bridge may be free of its legendary painters after 2009 for a short while
"which is supposed to be good for 20 years or more."

"SUPPOSED to be" is the operative phrase... ;)

CDs were SUPPOSED to be "perfect sound forever" but they turned out to be "mediocre sound for at least a few years."
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