My Atlas is Faster than your Commando .

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Jul 25, 2010
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Rightio ; giving that were all backward . But dont want japanese Gileras ( the universal transverse four ) . Top reserved for past the ton , when were not paying for the gas .

Brand New Serviced , run / in . So webve all gott a few thousand up and are ready to go . Say it was coast to coast America or The Alaskan Highway . ( I will take my 61 Bonnie ).

So , A new 75 spec. as in the JPS Roadster , which is geared at 22 on the output ; Redlines 7.000 , so itd seem itd take some finding in the HILLS , not the foothills .

Down the side of a mountain , two mile straights . 20 : 1 gradiant . With a nice kink Z at a abutment . on the S I D E of the mountain . So , Itd run to red line .

We'll have no ice . All Conds . A ATLAS will do Europe at 90 mph , to Gibrata . across and down to singapore . As we'd up the Bonnie gearing , whats the high option gearing .
P11 , Atlas & Comando , 1`968 .Theyre all yours . in 68 the only transvrse fours are still a twinkle in Sercio'sa eye .

INCIDENTLY , the ' Cycle mag. here has I think Sid Lawton in the I.o.M. tested at 131 on the Dunstal Atlas ( slimline chassis ; chrome moley inside job ? Manx swing arm etc )
maybe .

Anyway it averadged 126 odd maybe , as it was two ways , and one was up the dale . Timed with Cyles measued run . 68 odd . WILL FISH IT OUT > 8) :x :o

and if you break everthing you touch . Dont Try it . Theyre the people Sercio ivented the worlds nicest people ride transverse fours and generally avoid mountains backroasds
and backwoodsmen .

Ninteen Sixty Eight then . For Primary Debate .

But is a P11 quicker AND faster .
Have you had your morning coffee yet Matt ?

Little too cryptic for me. !
Can you expand your sentences a little, to more encompass the english language please.

There were hot rod versions of everything.
As the sign above the counter in the ole speede shoppe reads
"Speed costs money, how $fast$ do you want to go.
I think a 650SS would be quicker than an atlas or a commando, if you could live with the low down vibes if it was set up right. The lower piston weight would allow more revs, thus more power, and the motor would spin up faster. However you would lose it's versatility as a road bike. I believe the 650SS model was only sold for a couple of years.I think it was better than the unit bonnie.
acotrel said:
I think a 650SS would be quicker than an atlas or a commando,

Not stock out of the showroom they weren't - gearbox sprocket depending.

But why would you 'think' that, based on what ?
Smaller motors don't generally outspeed larger donks, all things being equal.
Or the whole world of 'bigger is better' would fall apart...

BTW, the 650 was made, in various forms ,from late 1960 through to 1970.
Longer than the Atlas in fact.
Although it (the Atlas) lived on in the Commando, as the Mk 3 variant of 750 engine....
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