Marty Dickerson, RIP


Oct 1, 2018
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The great Marty Dickerson passed away in February. Looks like the VOC will honor him in the March MPH.

I think I was 17 when I read an article covering his return to the Bonneville salt flats in the 1970's; it was a great inspiration in my quest for a Vincent.


Marty Dickerson, RIP
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Yes , I read that the other day , watched a clip on line of him talking bout meeting P. Vincent , also mentions in write up Marty made 155 mph on the salt at age 80 yrs ..... he was a real biker ! .... video clip is on The Vintagent ....
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Every time one of these old guys dies, there is a message - do it while you are young. If you don't, you have no memories and no legacy. In Australia, our oldest road racer used to be 89 - that was also his racing number. I think he is also dead now. Think about the guys who never do anything which involves physical risk - they live a life of nothing. Risk must be managed, - good riders do not die young.
Marty was all those ten years on the saltflats at our camp with the streamliner, helping or at least giving moral support after another breakdown. He told me all the little secrets of tuning his Vincent for more speed and was a mine of information. In those ten years he became a friend and good buddy to spend the evening with,always entertaining - I miss him.
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Think about the guys who never do anything which involves physical risk - they live a life of nothing. Risk must be managed, - good riders do not die young.

Exactly! The time is now because the present moment quickly, quietly but deliberately escapes into the past.