Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?


Feb 14, 2004
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It was suggested that i post a few pics of the recent DB1.4k event (most refer to it as the Dusty Butt, 1400 mostly off road km over 3 days), GPS navigated through Sth Island high country, 150 participants. Leave each morning when you want, get back when you do, no prizes for speed.
I was one of a number of slow moving chicanes amongst a sea of good enduro/trail riders, but got through in one piece with only one unplanned off track excursion. There were one or two breaks and fractures to the limbs/collar bones of the overenthusiastic, and a few dented bikes and ego's but nothing too serious that i know of. A great event, but for a slower rider like me once was enough, i'll be riding in more sedate company next time.
And yes it was quite dusty a lot of the way, but riding up in the clouds at times, and quite a number of 4WD mud plugs and a number of fords to navigate.

Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?Does my Butt Look Dusty in this?