Ridiculously low speed limits


Dec 29, 2011
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I've travelled a LOT (60,000 miles annually for work) through our vast country. Lots of it in small town America.
Pretty sure the Northeast has the distinction of the most unrealistic speed limits.


Anyone else?
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Thickly settled???
Is that re: The snow? Local population IQ?
In the UK we have similar: 'Slow Children' warnings :)
The definition of thickly settled was a question on our learner permit exam (in The Commonwealth of Massachussetts) .
Houses within 200' of each other for a 1/4 mile.
Those pictures are in an apple orchard, and hay field, road is arrow straight.
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After September all of the 30mph speed limits in Wales are being reduced to 20 mph
No matter how thickly settled they are!
After September all of the 30mph speed limits in Wales are being reduced to 20 mph
No matter how thickly settled they are!
Well there’s lovely, look you.

and on the subject of (ewe) have the sheep been notified that they’re not allowed to run away so fast now?
Quote : We recognise not all roads currently at 30mph will be suitable to change to 20mph. These roads will be known as exceptions.

I wonder how many there will be?
Quote : We recognise not all roads currently at 30mph will be suitable to change to 20mph. These roads will be known as exceptions.

I wonder how many there will be?
I'm wondering that too
As the original quote was "all" 30 mph speed limits were now going to be 20
I assume because they can't change every sign in one night
So all should be treated as 20 mph ?
I'm wondering that too
As the original quote was "all" 30 mph speed limits were now going to be 20
I assume because they can't change every sign in one night
So all should be treated as 20 mph ?
That is the ambiguity being built into everything.
People can be effed with at will....
They won’t be able to police the limit either. Perhaps they’ll want someone running ahead with a warning flag in hand?
Sometime the locals are issued with a hand held speed gun, though what legal precedents that throws up, who knows??
I witnessed the very same thing down country the other day... a wee civilian vehicle with a older lady hanging a thing out the window as I blasted past....
I'm pretty sure it wasn't a hair dryer..:)....ticket in the mail on its way ??
Another reason not to visit Wales. Leadership up there makes what we deal with down here look positively
good...but that is only in comparison. This stuff is just more woke BS.
It's got nothing to do with safety or anything else health wise or not, it's so they can set up speed cameras or cops hiding somewhere to catch you out, more of a money grab than anything to do with safety, our State Gov is broke and the best way to grab more money out of us suckers is more fines, cameras and cops holding on to radar guns instead of fighting real crime, they have already done the lower speed limits and they are putting speed cameras in the school zone signs to make even more money.
It's all about the money they can get out of you, take take take but don't give back, come in suckers, we need to pay for all our fook ups while in power, and to make things worst all speeding fines have been doubled, driving with a mobile phone on your body or in hands will cost u over $1k, even having a drink from your water bottle while driving will cost you big, it's called distraction law, no more doing makeup or eating while driving, soon we won't be able to talk to our passengers, mmmm that might work for me as my wife talks to much when I am driving lol, no it's just getting out of control in what they are doing, all for our safety, what a load of BS, we just want your money.
This speed limit thing in Wales ( I live there ) goes way beyond the mass introduction of 20 mph and the HEADLINES it creates !

There has been a silent clamping down on speed limits for some while now ….
To illustrate many of our roads will have rated for 60 mph since the year dot but have been reduced down to 50mph in some cases and even down to 40mph in many others !
When I take my wife out to dinner at our favourite pub it now takes a full 10 minutes longer to get there !!
You gotta experience it to believe it ! Many think you are making it up when you tell them.
Trouble is all the darlings who religiously stick to speed limits somehow seem to forget to speed up when they leave a 20 limit.
It doesn’t end there …..
On our motorways in Wales if we have bad weather ie rain and a bit of wind you find the speed limits change from 70 to 40 mph for no obvious reason.
Recently went from Wales to England to catch a flight from Heathrow ….. 40 mph in Wales but as soon as you cross the border ( Severn Bridge ) the limit goes back to 70mph ….
Mark Drakeford the Welsh First Minister ( kind of like a self styled Prime Minister has said that he wants us all to walk or cycle …. Blooming tosser is totally out of touch, he has dementia I reckon.
There I’m vented !!
Seriously though the above is true, just watch it doesn’t come to where you are.
It used to be that I figured there was truth in : "You get the government you deserve" meaning who you vote for. Now it is you don't get the government you voted for because your reps sit on their hands close their mouths and pocket your money. In fact a lot of the laws aren't debated or even voted upon.
There isn't much good about growing old but knowing that we are leaving behind a sh_t hole makes leaving a lot easier!
I wasn’t going to go “ political “. …. but ..

First of all Onder I actually agree with you 👍

I didn’t and have never voted for the Labour Drakeford tosser but he is having a serious affect on everything !
He and his party have been in power for must be twenty years now, will probably be many more years yet
The mong brain fuck wits who voted for him and his “ darlings “ have created a black hole sized shit hole !
I’ll be dead before anything changes as in Wales people vote as their parents did without thinking for themselves, somehow they think the coal mines are still open and the steel works is a place where you went to work a shift on nights to put in a full shift of sleeping !