

Jul 12, 2015
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Today is Superbowl Sunday - the biggest TV watch day of each year, at least in the US. Is it shown in your country and to you watch it?
I haven't owned a television for 21+ years, but even when I did sports programmes weren't top of my list.

So..... One miserable bugger saying no.
For those that don’t follow US college basketball, you don’t know what you’re missing

And I believe “Super Bowl” is a trademarked term. “The Big Game” is the non trademarked alternative 🙂
I’m not afraid of speed ! …. however as a young man I played Canadian football for many yrs , after knee injury & surgical recovery I moved on to Rugby , last game played at 35 yrs ( in snow) …. I enjoy the physical tests between men on field , ice & when younger the street …. Todays game could be memorable or a blowout …. as a Raiders fan , I think KC bests the odds
For those that don’t follow US college basketball, you don’t know what you’re missing

And I believe “Super Bowl” is a trademarked term. “The Big Game” is the non trademarked alternative 🙂
The way you wrote it is trademarked, not the way I wrote it. Also, it is a "fair use" term which is why you'll find it written millions of times today without the TM or R. Of course if the term is used to make money, the NFL could come after you.
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Aww yooz guys…

American football is basically Rugby, but with ultra PPE so it can be played by boys don’t want to play rough.

And don’t even get me started on baseball… that’s based on what we call ‘rounders’… which is a game played by school girls because cricket was deemed too un-ladylike.

Jus’ Sayin’…
Aww yooz guys…

American football is basically Rugby, but with ultra PPE so it can be played by boys don’t want to play rough.

And don’t even get me started on baseball… that’s based on what we call ‘rounders’… which is a game played by school girls because cricket was deemed too un-ladylike.

Jus’ Sayin’…
Man! It's hard getting an answer to the question(s) asked here :D
US football defensive line and linebackers are generally kind of large even without the protective gear on for those that have never stood next to one. I wouldn't tell an NFL or AFL linebacker he wasn't tough enough to play rough. I know nothing about Rugby.

I might tune in some of the game if it is too cold in the garage to turn wrenches today.
I periodically like to watch the game of American Football.
I detest the hypocrisy and deceptive, lying practices of the NFL as a business organization.

But yeah, from the viewpoint of pure athleticism and excelling competition I will watch the Stuper Bowl although the elimination games in previous weeks leading up to it are most often the best ones to watch from a competitive aspect.

My wife invited a bunch of her friends over (again) and I am prepping my grilling assignments. The ladies are not so interested in the game as the they are the commercials. They watch the advertising intensely and will then replay popular ones many times. Then they will loudly discuss said commercial during live play of the game.
I squawk at them but it does little good.
Half-time "entertainment" is usually laughable.
The best singing of the National Anthem I have ever heard were both performed at the Stuper Bowl....Whitney Houston was #1 and Lady Ga Ga a close second.
Aww yooz guys…

American football is basically Rugby, but with ultra PPE so it can be played by boys don’t want to play rough.

And don’t even get me started on baseball… that’s based on what we call ‘rounders’… which is a game played by school girls because cricket was deemed too un-ladylike.

Jus’ Sayin’…
Trust me Nigel , I have played both at senior level …. contact in Rugby is not comparable , collisions in a well matched football game , Am. or Canadian … you can take that to the bank … the padded/helmeted games are played higher speeds by much bigger men …. I mentioned I went to rugby after serious injury from football , exactly because rugby is a more tamed down game , as a result of playing in shorts with out benefit of armour that is used as weapons , especially the helmets ….
Trust me Nigel , I have played both at senior level …. contact in Rugby is not comparable , collisions in a well matched football game , Am. or Canadian … you can take that to the bank … the padded/helmeted games are played higher speeds by much bigger men …. I mentioned I went to rugby after serious injury from football , exactly because rugby is a more tamed down game , as a result of playing in shorts with out benefit of armour that is used as weapons , especially the helmets ….
You’ll be saying that your baseball boys can go up against our rounders girls next !
I periodically like to watch the game of American Football.
I detest the hypocrisy and deceptive, lying practices of the NFL as a business organization.

But yeah, from the viewpoint of pure athleticism and excelling competition I will watch the Stuper Bowl although the elimination games in previous weeks leading up to it are most often the best ones to watch from a competitive aspect.

My wife invited a bunch of her friends over (again) and I am prepping my grilling assignments. The ladies are not so interested in the game as the they are the commercials. They watch the advertising intensely and will then replay popular ones many times. Then they will loudly discuss said commercial during live play of the game.
I squawk at them but it does little good.
Half-time "entertainment" is usually laughable.
The best singing of the National Anthem I have ever heard were both performed at the Stuper Bowl....Whitney Houston was #1 and Lady Ga Ga a close second.
Wives are gonna like the Premature Electrification one by Ram, I expect. Seemed to me that it should have been Electrical Dysfunction though given the age of the guys in the commercial (I saw a preview).
Tuff as boot leather
Buck Shelford. He was the captain of the All Blacks in the late 80's. During a game against France he found himself at the bottom of a particularly aggressive ruck. He lost four teeth and his nutsack was ripped open leaving one of his testicles exposed. He promptly asked the team med to sew it up then continued playing. Not long after that, he was forced off the field after suffering massive concussion. To this day he has no recollection of the game

Super Bowl - don’t know if shown in the Uk on “ normal “ free telly though probably is somewhere on a pay to view basis.
I’d not watch it sorry.

Super Bowl ….. is that the game where they call it the “ World Series “ but only the Americans play it ??
Super Bowl - don’t know if shown in the Uk on “ normal “ free telly though probably is somewhere on a pay to view basis.
I’d not watch it sorry.

Super Bowl ….. is that the game where they call it the “ World Series “ but only the Americans play it ??
The World Series is Baseball. Only US and Canada teams but Baseball is big in Japan and South America too, and Germany has non-professional teams (or did when I lived there)
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