NOT an apology, just need to say it...

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Jan 15, 2008
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With reference to a recent political thread (I think ANYTHING can become political these days), I want to say I had kept my political opinions to myself on this forum for many years, and somehow slipped and posted something that of course offended.

I won't be lured in again.

To the offended party(s), as much offense as you may have taken to MY comments, I may have taken EQUAL offense to YOURS.

I say all that only to point out that this is a GREAT motorcycle forum, and I am going to forget ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that was said (by me also), and get back to NORTON COMMANDOS.

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I don’t know if anyone was offended by your political opinion as much as some were rankled by your misinformation that supported your take on climate change and what can be done to stem the change.

The earth is not flat, the sun is the center of our universe and the earth is warming. These are indisputable SCIENTIFIC facts.
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My bad. Thanks for correcting me. Brain fart on my part. Well, I did have 2 out of 3.
Jim, you sure are a master baiter.

I'm not taking the bait re: the original conversation. I made an effort to be nice, and I'm done.
With reference to a recent political thread (I think ANYTHING can become political these days), I want to say I had kept my political opinions to myself on this forum for many years, and somehow slipped and posted something that of course offended.

I won't be lured in again.

To the offended party(s), as much offense as you may have taken to MY comments, I may have taken EQUAL offense to YOURS.

I say all that only to point out that this is a GREAT motorcycle forum, and I am going to forget ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that was said (by me also), and get back to NORTON COMMANDOS.

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Nice to see somebody take the high road out of that shytestorm.
If you don't question and discuss, you don't learn. Regardless if what your opinions might be, at least you were having a go. Many of our problems occur because people are apathetic. In my opinion, anyone who does not vote is an idiot. Thousands of young men fought and died in two world wars so we would retain that right.
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Everyone have their own opinions its what debates are all about, how would a debate work if its only one sided.
As one has said SCIENTIFIC fact, well science has also got it wrong over time so who is right and who is wrong who knows as I will never know in my time on this planet.

I thought this was site was about Norton motorsickles plenty of political cammodes elsewhere
I thought this was site was about Norton motorsickles plenty of political cammodes elsewhere

This is why we have the In the Pub section anything is open to be talked about and how many of the world problems could be fixed when we are sitting around drinking with your mates, I know I have solved a lot of problems world wide, only problem is remembering them the next day lol.
Maybe that's the problem the politicians and world leaders need to sit around and get pissed together, but then they probably already do, who knows what happens behind closed doors.

Everyone have their own opinions its what debates are all about, how would a debate work if its only one sided.
As one has said SCIENTIFIC fact, well science has also got it wrong over time so who is right and who is wrong who knows as I will never know in my time on this planet.


Every scientific fact is accompanied by a probability. Would you bet all your money on a long shot ?
Science is also the best, most complete method mankind has invented to make sense of the world around him. So when picking sides, I pick science, as the other side is most often unfounded garbagio.
Science is also the best, most complete method mankind has invented to make sense of the world around him. So when picking sides, I pick science, as the other side is most often unfounded garbagio.

In the end, it comes down to a decision - God or science. I am open to both alternatives. But there is a thing the Americans do - if you believe that God created order in the universe, that pots the minus sign in thermodynamics - which is different to the British system (entropy). I believe that order is when everything is in it's ground state and homogeneously distributed throughout the universe. It takes energy to create diversity. But I am open to the alternative view - that all which exists, proves there is a God. The minus sign in thermodynamics is only a problem if you don't know it is there. If you were doing space travel, it might kill you - you might get everything arse-about.
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